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1 The Everyday Use of Digital Technology
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Varieties of Coping
1.2.1 Everyday Coping
1.3 A "Disorder" of HCI
1.4 How We Experience the Digital World
1.4.1 Our Technological Horizon Defines Our "Generation"
1.5 The World According to Heidegger
1.6 A Thousand Useful Acts
1.7 Affordance
1.8 Familiarity with the World
1.9 Automaticity
1.10 Flow
1.10.1 Creating Flow
1.10.2 The Characteristics of Flow
1.11 The Promise of Mirror Neurons
1.12 The Changes to the Second Edition of this Book

2 Creating a Good Experience
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Turn to Experience
2.2.1 Heidegger
2.3 The Move to UXD
2.4 Definitions of UX
2.4.1 A New Millennial Usability
2.5 A Formal Definition of UX
2.5.1 Living with UX
2.5.2 An Expert Opinion
2.6 Norman Gets Emotional
2.7 The Pragmatic-Hedonic Dynamic
2.7.1 Investigating Hedonic Properties Further
2.8 Designing for User Engagement
2.9 UX = Involvement + Aesthetics + Affect
2.9.1 Ad Hoc Categories
3 Involvement (With Technology)
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Irreversible Steps

3.2.1 Computers as Social Actors
3.2.2 Effective "Mindreading"
3.2.3 Our Relationships with Technology
3.3 Digital Assistants and Chatbots
3.3.1 Digital Assistants
3.4 Mind Your Language
3.5 Appropriation
3.6 Our Tendency to Make Everything Human-Like
3.6.1 Mind and Personality
3.7 Why Do We Anthropomorphise?
3.7.1 Three Factors in Anthropomorphism
3.7.2 Detecting Invisible Agents: HADD
3.8 A Fleet of Robots
3.8.1 Social Robotics for Fun
3.8.2 AIBO and Other Robot Dogs
3.9 PARO and Keepon
3.9.1 ASIMO, Nao and Pepper
3.9.2 Androids

3.9.3 Dogs and Robots
3.9.4 Creating Relational Artefacts
3.9.5 Friends or Fantasy?
3.10 How Technology Has Changed Us
3.10.1 Digital Natives and Generation Me?
4 Aesthetics
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Aesthetic Turn
4.3 The Origin of Aesthetics
4.3.1 The Savannah Hypothesis
4.3.2 Elegant but Useless
4.4 The Experience of Aesthetics
4.4.1 An Aesthetic Experience
4.5 Mirror Neurons and Aesthetics
4.6 Gestalt, Neuroaesthetics, and Rasa
4.6.1 Neuroaesthetics
4.6.2 Rasa
4.7 Virtual Experiences
4.7.1 Smell
4.7.2 Touch
4.7.3 Gesture

4.7.4 Presence
4.7.5 AR
4.7.6 Abba
5 Affect
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Affect in HCI
5.2.1 The Scientific Treatment of Affect
5.2.2 The Range of Affective States
5.3 First Impressions
5.3.1 What We Make of Each Other
5.4 Feelings
5.4.1 Damasio on Feelings
5.5 (Odd Feelings)
5.5.1 The Uncanny Valley
5.5.2 What Our Feelings Tell Us
5.5.3 Presence and Self-presence
5.6 Emotion
5.6.1 Emotions Are the Result of Appraisals
5.6.2 The Nature of an Appraisal
5.6.3 Emotions Are for Action
5.6.4 Positive (and Negative) Emotions
5.7 Mood

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