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List of Figures
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Liturgies of Suicide by Proxy
The Art of Child Sacrifice
Catholics and Protestants
A Crime of Women
Rationality, Instrumentality, Ritual, and Sacrifice
Chapter 3: "Fear God and the Court, while there is still Time." Crime and Zealous Prosecution in Early Modern Hamburg
The City
Crime and Punishment in Hamburg
A New Rationale for Murder: Precursors
Invoking Divine Intervention: The "Ordeal of the Bier" and the "Justice of the Street"

Conclusion: The Stage Is Set
Chapter 4: "The Unbelievably Frequent Examples of such Murders Committed solely out of Weariness with Life." Hamburg, 1668-1810
Direct Suicide: Ongoing Desecrations and an Emerging Insanity Defense in Select Cases
Case Numbers Rise
The House of Correction
The Spinnhouse
1697: Female Inmates Form a Murder Plot
1698-1699: Child Murders in Prison and in the Streets
The Early Eighteenth Century
Legislation Fails to Stop the Killings
1737: Direct Suicide-Official Mercy vs. Popular Taboo
1740: Senators' Discomfort with a Traditional Ritual

1750-1784: Child Murders Continue, Despite Official Leniency Toward Direct Suicide
1784: Desacralization and Deritualization
Late Cases: Child Murder as a Suicidal Reflex
Chapter 5: Mary with the Axe: The Cult of the Injured Icon in Baroque Vienna
Pietas Austriaca
Vulnerable and Potentially Miraculous
Eucharistic Devotions in Popular Practice
Host Desecration in History and Memory: The Usual Suspects
Chapter 6: The Injured Crucifix: The Emperor's Conscience and Prisoners' Defiance
Governmental Responses

A Theological-Judicial Loophole Allows a Change in Government Tactics
Nicolaus Stark (c. 1729-1757)
An Ongoing Problem?
Gender and Age of Suicidal Blasphemers
History and Memory
Chapter 7: Crime and Justice in a Sacred Landscape: Vienna, 1668-1786
Early Cases
Susanna Weiglhofferin (c. 1679-1704): Murder as Pilgrimage?
The Government Responds, and Fails to End the Killings
Unmoored, Dispossessed, Out for Revenge: Women Vagrants as Serial Killers?
Execution Rates and Gender
Sharing in a Blessed Death: Leveraging Salvation on the Ravenstone

"How to Comfort Poor Sinners, who will be executed for their Misdeeds, and dispose them well for Death."
From Mount Calvary to Poor-Sinners' Graveyard
An Ideological Imperative: Eliciting the Poor Sinner's Compliance
The Demise of Old-Regime Criminal Justice
Chapter 8: Conclusion: The Decline of Suicide by Proxy and its Historical Effacement
Manuscript Sources
Archiv der Marktgemeinde Perchtoldsdorf (AMP)
Bayerisches Staatsarchiv Nürnberg (StAN)
Diözesanarchiv Wien (DAW)
Fürstlich Oettingen-Wallersteinisches Archiv (FÖWAH)

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