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Consolidation-Based Modeling for the Scheduled Service Network Design Problem
1 Introduction
2 Problem Statement and Time Expanded Network Formulation
2.1 Common Notation
2.2 Time Expanded Network Formulation
2.3 Modeling Limitations
2.4 Algorithmic Challenges
3 A Consolidation-Based Formulation of the SSNDP
3.1 Integer Programming Formulation
3.2 Correspondence Between the Two Formulations
3.3 Modeling Capabilities
3.4 Algorithmic Advantages and Disadvantages for the SSNDP

3.5 Consolidation-Based Formulations for Two Variants of the SSNDP
4 Conclusions and Perspectives
Supply Chain Management
Evaluation of Hydrogen Supply Options for Sustainable Aviation
1 Introduction
2 Characterization of the Hydrogen Supply Chain
2.1 Hydrogen Production and Liquefaction
2.2 Hydrogen Transport
3 Modeling and Assessment Approach
3.1 Calculation of the Total Expenditures in the Hydrogen Supply Chain
4 Case Study: Comparison Supply Options for Green Hydrogen
4.1 Supply Chain Configurations
4.2 Parametrization.
4.3 Results

5 Discussion and Conclusion
Pricing and Greening Level Decisions in a Two-Stage Hydrogen Supply Chain Considering State Subsidies and Taxes
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 The Hydrogen Supply Chain Model
3.1 Model Description
3.2 Profit Functions
4 Solution Approach
5 Numerical Example and Sensitivity Analysis
5.1 Basic Example
5.2 Sensitivity Analysis
6 Conclusion
Green Hydrogen Supply Chains in Latin America - A Research Approach for Partnership Projects with Europe
1 Introduction
2 Methodology

3 Green Hydrogen Supply Chains in Latin America
3.1 Green Hydrogen in Argentina
3.2 Green Hydrogen in Brazil
3.3 Green Hydrogen in Chile
3.4 Green Hydrogen in Colombia
3.5 Green Hydrogen in Mexico
4 Green Hydrogen Projects with Latin America and Europe
4.1 Latin America and Germany
4.2 Latin America and the United Kingdom
4.3 Latin America and France
4.4 Latin America and Italy
5 Partnership Analysis
5.1 Partnership Projects SWOT Analysis
5.2 Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis
5.3 Opportunities and Threats Analysis
6 Energy Scenarios
7 Conclusion

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