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1 Introduction
1.1 Why Study Chronicles?
1.1.1 Situation Recognition
1.1.2 Abstracting Sequences
1.2 The Role of a Chronicle and Its Components
1.2.1 Injective Mapping from Events in Chronicles to Events in Sequences
1.2.2 Consistency and Redundancy of Temporal Constraints
1.3 Notions of Temporal Constraints
1.3.1 Edge Directions and Negativity of the Temporal Constraints
1.3.2 Unlimited Edges vs. Absence of Edges
1.3.3 What Is the Meaning of Multiple Temporal Constraints Between Two Events?

2 A Formal Account of Chronicles
2.1 Preliminary Definitions
2.1.1 Event Types and Events
2.1.2 Chronicles
2.2 Multiset Embeddings
2.3 A Preorder Between Chronicles
2.4 Chronicles and Subgraph Isomorphisms
3 Structuring the Space of Chronicles
3.1 Introduction
3.2 A Partial Order Between Slim Chronicles
3.3 Simple Chronicles
3.4 Intersection Between Chronicles
3.5 Semilattice Structure for Subspaces of the Chronicles
3.6 Summary
4 Occurrences of a Chronicle
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Occurrence of a Chronicle
4.3 Counting Occurrences of a Chronicle

4.4 Conclusion
5 Inducing Chronicles from Event Sequences
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Generating a Chronicle from a Sequence
5.3 Inducing a Chronicle from Event Sequences
5.3.1 Dataset of Event Sequences
5.3.2 Abstracting a Dataset of Sequences with Chronicles
5.3.3 A Dataset Chronicles Reduct
5.3.4 Summary
5.4 Mining Chronicles from Event Sequences
5.4.1 Basic Notions
5.4.2 Frequent Chronicles
5.4.3 Formal Concept Analysis and Pattern Structures
5.4.4 Applying Pattern Structures to Chronicles
5.5 Conclusion
6 Conclusion
6.1 Summary
6.2 Perspectives

A Proofs
A.1 Proofs for Sect.2.1.2
A.2 Proofs for Sect.3.2
A.3 Proofs for Sect.3.3
A.4 Proofs for Sect.3.5
A.5 Proofs for Sect.4.2
A.6 Proofs for Sect.5.2
A.7 Proofs for Sect.5.3.3
A.8 Proofs for Sect.5.4.1
A.9 Proofs for Sect.5.4.4
B Additional Content
B.1 Joint Intersection on the Set of Simple Chronicles

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