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Chapter 1: Analysis of existing approaches to solving the problem of sand production during the operation of UGS wells
Chapter 2: Experimental facilities for studying the deformation and strength properties of rocks and geomechanical modelling
Chapter 3: Methodology for performing TILTS experiments to study the deformation, strength and filtration properties of rocks
Chapter 4: Results of TILTS testing of the deformation, strength and filtration characteristics of reservoir rocks at uderground gas storage facilities based on triaxial tests
Chapter 5: Geomechanical modelling of the stress-strain state in UGS reservoirs during cyclic changes in reservoir pressure and downhole pressure
Chapter 6: Physical modelling programs of rock deformation and fracture in the near-wellbore zone of USG during gas injection and extraction
Chapter 7: Results of physical modelling of deformation and filtration processes in the bottomhole zone of ugs wells during gas extraction and injection
Chapter 8: Rationale for the possibility of using the directed unload reservoir method (DUR method) to increase rock permeability in the bottomhole zone of UGS wells
Chapter 9: Justification of predictive recommendations for maximum and minimum allowable drawdowns, well flow rates and prevention of sand production.

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