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Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 The Road Towards Corporate Sustainability
1.2 The Chapters in a Nutshell
1.3 The Sequence of the Chapters
1.4 Accessibility
Chapter 2: Sustainable Development
2.1 Companies Have a Central Role to Play
2.2 The Green Economy
2.3 The Scientific and Ethical Approach
The Scientific Approach
The Ethical Approach
2.4 The Ecological and Social Aspects
2.5 The UN Sustainable Development Goals
2.6 The Triple Bottom Line (People, Planet, Profit)

2.7 Ranking of Values
Chapter 3: Sustainable Value Creation and Management Responsibilities
3.1 Sustainable Value Creation: Necessary and Full of Opportunity
3.2 Sustainability in Business
3.3 Managers ́Key Role in Sustainable Value Creation
3.4 CFOs and Sustainable Management
Not Calculations Alone
Financial Underpinnings
3.5 The Role of Controllers
Combination of Roles
Chapter 4: Sustainable Business at the Supply Chain Level
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Developing Sustainable Supply Chain Management
4.3 Implementing Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Stepping Stones for Sustainability in the Supply Chain
The Reach of Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM)
4.4 Implementing Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Aspects of International Chains
Governments Enhancing Traceability
Voluntary Chain-Based Action Based on Self-Regulation
Chapter 5: Environmental Management and the Circular Economy
5.1 Environmental Management
Environmental Managementś Place in the Company

The Essence of Environmental Management
Searching for Synergy
Environmental Management and Environmental Performance
Environmental Management and Economic Performance
Environmental Management Systems
ISO 14001
Environmental Audits
5.2 The Circular Economy
From a Linear Industrial Economy Towards a Circular Industrial Economy
The Future of Circular Production
Planned Circularity
Bottom-Up Sufficiency
Circular Modernism
Peer-to-Peer Circularity
Critical Remarks
CE in Action

Chapter 6: Human Resources and Roles in Achieving Corporate Sustainability
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Globalisation and Human Resources
6.3 Demand-Led Growth and the Survival of the Planet
6.4 Leadership for Corporate Sustainability
6.5 The Role of HRM in the Transition Towards a Sustainable Economy
6.6 A Stakeholder Approach to Sustainable HRM
6.7 Sustainable HRM, Stakeholder Management and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Chapter 7: Corporate Governance and CSR as Vehicles of Corporate Sustainability
7.1 Corporate Governance
Business Continuity

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