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Part I: Introduction
1. Trajectories of Memory: An Introduction
Part II. Politics of Memory
2. The Leadership of Muhammad Masserie in Perhimpoenan Kaoem Betawi (The Association of Ethnic Betawi) 1923-1940
3. Locating Sikuru, "Hero of Loloda"
4. The Treaty of Tumbang Anoi, 1894: Impact on Borneo's Social Structure
5. Minangkabau Silek Harimau: Evolving Oral Traditions, Performance and Choreography
Part III. Remembering War and Peace
6. National Histories, Private Memories: Indonesia and the Japanese Occupation
7. Japanese War Memory and Transnational Activism for Indonesian Survivors of Enforced Military Prostitution During World War Two
8. Memory of the Seroja Struggle: Challenges of Life after Military Operations 1978-1998
9. From Stalin to Khruschev: The Dynamics of the Soviet Union - Indonesia Relations (1945-1964)
Part IV. Tracing Agency
10. Politics of Recognition: Heroes, Victims, and the Contest over History in post-Suharto Indonesia
11. Contestation and Coalition: The Role of Botoh in Local Political Dynamics, Tuban District, 1974-2006
12. Indoctrination in Higher Education: Guided Democracy Politics in Campus Environment (1961-1965)
13. Indonesia's Student and Non-Student Protesters in May 1998: Break and Reunification
Part V. Curating Memory
14. Youth Visitor's Meaning-Making Process on The National History of Indonesia in The Museum Sejarah Nasional: A Study of Constructivist Learning
15. Engaging with the Public: Comparing the National Museum of Indonesia and the Kolong Tangga Museum from the perspective of New Museology
16. Building Meaning in The Balai Kirti Presidential Museum of The Republic of Indonesia.

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