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Chapter 1: Women's Avenues of Digital Activism: Fighting for their Own
Part I: Overcoming the Digital Divide and Going Viral: Women's Online Struggles for Social Change
Chapter 2: KN-IT-Working - Older Womens Eco-Activism in the Digital Age: An Australian Case Study of the Knitting Nannas Against Gas and Greeds Use of Social Media for Learning and Empowerment
Chapter 3: Im at 100!: Protesting the Right-Wing Government in Austria
Chapter 4: Feminists Social Media Protests and the Digital Public Sphere in Turkey
Chapter 5: A Technopolitical Approach of the Feminist Performance Un Violador en tu Camino [A rapist in your path]: Exploratory Insights from Online Videos
Part II: An Alternative Democratic Public Sphere The Internet as a Safe Space
Chapter 6: Intersectionality in Feminist Hashtags and Democracy: How the Black Women's Day in Brazil Mobilizes Specificities within the Feminist Movement
Chapter 7: My Body is Not Your Crime Scene: The Polarization and Weaponization of Womens Online Activism on South AfricasTwittersphere
Chapter 8: #NoIsNo. Shaping Public Debate on Rape Culture and Sexual Assault in Spain through Social Media
Chapter 9: Politicization of Motherhood as a Mode of Digital Activism: The Case of Irans Mourning Mothers
Chapter 10: Mobilizing the Everyday Activist: Digital Communication Toward Action as the Womens March Advances from Grassroots Activism
Part III: Democratic Digital Discursive Spaces of and for Women: Unintended Consequences
Chapter 11: Safe Spaces on Social Media Platforms: Selective Censorship and Content Moderation in Reddits r/TwoXChromosomes
Chapter 12: Intersectional, Queer Feminist Magazine Made by White People? An Analysis of Digital Feminist Debates on Popular Intersectionality in Germany
Chapter 13: Ca_Va_Saigner (There Will be Blood): Digital Menstrual Activism in France
Chapter 14: Feminism in India Framing #MeTooIndia: A Case of Digital Activism
Chapter 15: Conclusion.

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