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Nurturing Resilient Communities: An Overview
1 Introduction
1.1 Potential Possibilities Through Social Entrepreneurship
1.2 Gandhian Thoughts at the Core of Social Entrepreneurship
2 Nurturing Resilient Communities: Gandhi-Inspired Social Entrepreneurial Processes
3 Sarvodaya Framework for Nurturing Resilient Communities
3.1 Identifying Mutually Beneficial Interdependency
3.2 Design Activities That Leverage Mutually Beneficial Interdependency

3.3 Mix (or Implement) These Activities in Various Programs
3.4 Measure the Success of a Program Based on the Utilization of These Activities
3.5 Observe the Emergence of Other Interdependencies
4 Summary of Contributions
Part I: Gandhian Perspectives: Core Ideas
Trusteeship: Gandhian Approach to Reconceptualize Social Responsibility and Sustainability
1 Introduction
2 Role of Spirituality in Gandhian Thought
2.1 Spirituality in Economics and Business in West
2.2 Why Business Ethics Alone Would Not Suffice?

2.3 Spirituality and Ethics in Management: The Indian Context
2.4 Gandhi and Conceptual Foundations of Trusteeship
3 Trusteeship: A Resource-Centric Account
3.1 Trusteeship: A Middle Path to Capitalism and Communism
4 Trusteeship a Means to Achieve Sarvodaya (Upliftment of All)
4.1 Sarvodaya and Trusteeship
4.2 Key Characteristics of Trusteeship
5 Relevance of Trusteeship in Contemporary Society
6 Conclusion
Navigating Power Relations in Community-Driven Development: An Exploration of Constructive Work
1 Introduction

2 Community-Driven Development: Understanding the Nature of Community Enterprises
3 The Concept of Community and the Place-Based Politics
4 Gram Swaraj and Constructive Work
4.1 Constructive Work as a Prefigurative Strategy
4.1.1 Means-End Equivalence
4.1.2 Ensuring Dignity of Labor
4.1.3 Building Alliances and Networks: Sahyogi Mitra
4.1.4 Proactive, Long-Term Orientation
5 Constructive Work in Current Literature
6 Conclusion
Gandhian Approach to Development: Implications for the Post-COVID World
1 Introduction

2 Self-Rule or Swaraj and Self-Reliance or Swadeshi
2.1 Trusteeship
3 Ecological Equilibrium
4 Panchayati Raj
5 Cooperatives
6 Conclusion
School Education for Today: Extending Tagore and Gandhi's Idea of a Good Society (Swaraj) and Its Accompanying New Education (Nai Talim)
1 Introduction: Gandhi and Tagore's Swaraj
2 SWARAJ Today
2.1 What Would Swaraj Look Like in Today's Context?
3 Nai Talim (New Education) for Swaraj
3.1 Educational Experiments of Tagore and Gandhi
3.2 Productive Work in Today's Nai Talim
4 Examples of Nai Talim Today

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