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Table of Contents
Key-Pre Distribution for the Internet of Things Challenges, Threats and Recommendations
1 Introduction
2 Chapter Question
2.1 Differences Between DSN and IoT
2.2 Threat Model for IoT and the Research Problem
3 Internet of Things
5 Routing
5.1 RPL Messages
5.2 RPL Routing Metrics and Constraints
5.3 RPL Objective Functions
6 Security
6.1 Security in RPL
6.2 Cryptography in IoT
6.3 Key Pre-distribution in DSN
6.4 Probabilistic Key Pre-distribution
6.5 Deterministic Key Pre-distribution
6.6 Threats Attacks Trees
7 Summary
Approaches and Methods for Regulation of Security Risks in 5G and 6G
1 Introduction
1.1 Fundamentals of Mobile Communication Technology
1.2 Technologies Behind the 5G and 6G Cellular Network
1.3 Strategic Directions from Government
1.4 Smart City Impacts and Interactions with Individuals
1.5 Ethics and Regulations
2 The Age of Digital Transformation Moving to 5G/6G
2.1 Digital Identity and Emerging Technologies Relationship with Data Protection of Societies
2.2 Current Infrastructure Weakness and Cyberattack Manipulations
2.3 Data Privacy and Security Challenges
3 Governance and Adopting Methodologies for Managing Standardisation and Interoperability
3.1 Enabling Secure and Resilient Societies
3.2 Disaster Resilience and Managing the Risks
4 Strengthening Trust in Complex Private and Public Supply Chains
5 Conclusion
Investigating Gesture Control of Robotic Arm via Lora Technology for Smart Cities
1 Introduction
1.1 Significance of Study
1.2 Scope of Research
1.3 Applications
2 Literature Review
2.1 Gesture Control of Robotic Arm Using Infrared
2.2 Wireless Gesture Controlled Robot via Bluetooth Wireless Connectivity
2.3 Gesture Control of Robotic Arm Using Zigbee Technology
2.4 Gesture Based Wireless Mobile Robotic Arm via WiFi Connection
2.5 Gesture Controlled Robotic Arm Using 433 MHz RF Module
2.6 An Overview of Lora Technology
2.7 Lora Transceiver
2.8 Lora Protocol Stack
2.9 Lora Network Architecture
3 Flex Sensors
3.1 What is a Flex Sensor?
4 Servo Motors
4.1 What is a Servomotor?
5 System Design
5.1 Microcontroller
5.2 Hardware Design Analysis
5.3 Lora Transceiver
5.4 Output Unit
5.5 Software Design Analysis
5.6 Flow Chart of the System
5.7 Circuit Diagram of the System
6 Results, Analysis and Findings
6.1 Breadboarding
6.2 Serial Plot
6.3 Servo Motors Calibration of Prototype
6.4 Flex Sensor Calibration and Calculation
6.5 Transmitter System
6.6 Receiver System
6.7 Transmitter and Receiver System
6.8 LoRa Spread Factor, Bit Rate and Data Range
6.9 Mode of Operation
7 Conclusion
Safety and Security Issues in Employing Drones
1 Introduction
1.1 Attacks on UAVs-Based Systems
Key-Pre Distribution for the Internet of Things Challenges, Threats and Recommendations
1 Introduction
2 Chapter Question
2.1 Differences Between DSN and IoT
2.2 Threat Model for IoT and the Research Problem
3 Internet of Things
5 Routing
5.1 RPL Messages
5.2 RPL Routing Metrics and Constraints
5.3 RPL Objective Functions
6 Security
6.1 Security in RPL
6.2 Cryptography in IoT
6.3 Key Pre-distribution in DSN
6.4 Probabilistic Key Pre-distribution
6.5 Deterministic Key Pre-distribution
6.6 Threats Attacks Trees
7 Summary
Approaches and Methods for Regulation of Security Risks in 5G and 6G
1 Introduction
1.1 Fundamentals of Mobile Communication Technology
1.2 Technologies Behind the 5G and 6G Cellular Network
1.3 Strategic Directions from Government
1.4 Smart City Impacts and Interactions with Individuals
1.5 Ethics and Regulations
2 The Age of Digital Transformation Moving to 5G/6G
2.1 Digital Identity and Emerging Technologies Relationship with Data Protection of Societies
2.2 Current Infrastructure Weakness and Cyberattack Manipulations
2.3 Data Privacy and Security Challenges
3 Governance and Adopting Methodologies for Managing Standardisation and Interoperability
3.1 Enabling Secure and Resilient Societies
3.2 Disaster Resilience and Managing the Risks
4 Strengthening Trust in Complex Private and Public Supply Chains
5 Conclusion
Investigating Gesture Control of Robotic Arm via Lora Technology for Smart Cities
1 Introduction
1.1 Significance of Study
1.2 Scope of Research
1.3 Applications
2 Literature Review
2.1 Gesture Control of Robotic Arm Using Infrared
2.2 Wireless Gesture Controlled Robot via Bluetooth Wireless Connectivity
2.3 Gesture Control of Robotic Arm Using Zigbee Technology
2.4 Gesture Based Wireless Mobile Robotic Arm via WiFi Connection
2.5 Gesture Controlled Robotic Arm Using 433 MHz RF Module
2.6 An Overview of Lora Technology
2.7 Lora Transceiver
2.8 Lora Protocol Stack
2.9 Lora Network Architecture
3 Flex Sensors
3.1 What is a Flex Sensor?
4 Servo Motors
4.1 What is a Servomotor?
5 System Design
5.1 Microcontroller
5.2 Hardware Design Analysis
5.3 Lora Transceiver
5.4 Output Unit
5.5 Software Design Analysis
5.6 Flow Chart of the System
5.7 Circuit Diagram of the System
6 Results, Analysis and Findings
6.1 Breadboarding
6.2 Serial Plot
6.3 Servo Motors Calibration of Prototype
6.4 Flex Sensor Calibration and Calculation
6.5 Transmitter System
6.6 Receiver System
6.7 Transmitter and Receiver System
6.8 LoRa Spread Factor, Bit Rate and Data Range
6.9 Mode of Operation
7 Conclusion
Safety and Security Issues in Employing Drones
1 Introduction
1.1 Attacks on UAVs-Based Systems