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Part I: Metrology and Quality Infrastructure
1 International and National Metrology
Early Historical Evolution of Measurements
French Revolution and Progress Toward the Uniform Measurement System
Current Status of SI Unit System
Future of Metrology
2 Wake-Up India to Build Self-Reliant Metrology Structure for Modern India
Impact of Measurement on Daily Life
What Is the Importance of Measurement?

Measurement Protects People
Measurement Governs Transactions
Measurement Makes Industries to be more Innovative and Competitive
Measurement Increases Knowledge Base
Measurement Help Make Decisions
What Is the Meaning of Measurand?
What Is Not Measurement?
Where Would the World be Without National and International Standards?
Relevance of Calibration and Testing Laboratories
Metrology, National/International Standards, and Regulations
What Is Metrology?
Importance of Metrology in Modern World
Who Is a Metrologist?
Metrology Training Centers

Challenges Faced
Science, Technology, and Engineering of Modern World
Impact of Science and Technology on Modern Society
Glory of Ancient Indian Contribution to the World in Metrology, Science, and Technology
Few of Ancient Indian Contributions to the World in Metrology, Science, and Technology
Achievements/Success Stories of Modern India
Downfall of Development of Science and Technology and Its Education in India
Pre-Independence of India Era: Exploitation of Physical Raw Material and Intellectual Property

After Independence of India Era: Exploitation of Physical Raw Material and Intellectual Capability
Position of India Compared to the World in Science and Technology Development
Convergence Approach to Build Modern India Through Development of Metrology, Science, Technology, and Their Education
Encourage Discovery
Promote Inventions
Encourage and Promote Innovations
Key Prerequisites to Invention and Innovation
Promote and Encourage Indigenous Technology Development
3 Quality: Introduction, Relevance, and Significance for Economic Growth

Historical Aspects and Evolution of Quality
Total Quality Management (TQM) in USA
The Practices beyond TQM
Quality: Perspectives of the Quality Experts
Quality Beyond
QC, QA, QMS, TQM, Etc.
The Concept of ``Standard ́́and ``Inspection ́́Control
Development of Process for Quality Control
The QMS During the Mid-twentieth Century
Emergence of Japanese Company-Wide Quality Control (CWQC)
Development of Total Quality Management
Benefits of Quality Management (QM) and QM Tools and Methods
Need for Quality Management and Relevance in Global Trade

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