Linked e-resources


User Studies
Comparing Perceived Restorativeness and Stress Reduction in Virtual Reality Environments using Abstract Fractal Geometries versus Realistic Natural Landscapes
"I miss going to that place": The impact of watching nature videos on the well-being of informal caregivers
Our Nudges, Our Selves: Tailoring Mobile User Engagement Using Personality
Turn & Slide: Designing a Puzzle Game to Elicit the Visualizer-Verbalizer Cognitive Style
User Studies, Eye-Tracking, and Physiological Data
Electroencephalographic (EEG) correlates of Visually Induced Motion Sickness (VIMS) in the Virtual Reality (VR) based simulations
Exploring Eye Expressions for Enhancing EOG-Based Interaction
How Many Participants Do You Need for an Open Card Sort? A Case Study of E-commerce Websites
Quantifying Device Usefulness - How Useful is an Obsolete Device?
Usability Evaluation of a Brazilian Dam Safety Data Exploration Platform: a Consolidation of Results from User Tests and Heuristic Evaluation
Virtual Reality
Asymmetric communication in virtual reality: designing for presence, effectiveness, and enjoyment
Digital Modeling for Everyone: Exploring How Novices Approach Voice-Based 3D Modeling
Exploring the Potential of Metaverse Apps for Real-World Applications: A Case Study with CALEND_AR
PeriFocus - Training Peripheral Color- and Shape Detection in Virtual Reality
Supporting Resilience Through Virtual Reality: Design and Preliminary Evaluation of a VR Experience Based on Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy
Virtual Reality and Training
A Case Study Using Virtual Reality to Prime Knowledge for Procedural Medical Training
Mind the Heart: Designing a Stress Dashboard Based on Physiological Data for Training Highly Stressful Situations in Virtual Reality
VR for HR – a Case Study of Human Resource Development Professionals using Virtual Reality for Social Skills Training in the Workplace
Disability, Design and Innovation for a Fairer World
Hacking the Brain: the risks and challenges of Cognitive Augmentation
How to Assess Human Reliance on Artificial Intelligence in Hybrid Decision-Making
Introduction to Information Visualisation
The UCD Sprint: Bringing Users Along to Sprint
Industrial Experiences
How to Bring Diversity into Industry: Industrial Experiences in Public Transport Repair & Maintenance
Whose responsibility is accessibility in games anyway? Everyone
Interactive Demonstrations
A Toolkit for Human-Centred Engineering: an Experience with Pre-teens
Color Blind: A Figma Plugin to Simulate Colour Blindness
Comfort Management Through a Universal Wheelchair Dashboard
Dataslip: How Far Does Your Personal Data Go?
Ingá Telikit: A Virtual Reality Game for Learning Penan's Hunting Techniques
StoryCarnival: Inspiring Play with Stories and an Enhanced Puppet
Together Porting: Multi-user Locomotion in Social Virtual Reality
Towards "Image Reflow" on the Web: Avoiding Excessive Panning of Magnified Images by Multiplexing Automatically Cropped Regions of Interest
Two Domain-Specific Languages for Controlling a Humanoid Robot in a Therapeutic Context
Using polymorphic glyphs to support the visual exploration of hierarchical spatio-temporal data
A Framework for Born-Accessible Development of Software and Digital Content
Why we do what we do : HCI and societal impact
A Multi-Perspective Panel on User-centred Transparency, Explainability, and Controllability in Automations
Ethical Value Exchange in HCI
A Comparative Analysis of Multi-Object Animation with Motion Paths in Virtual Reality
A Human-Robot Conversation Interface for Children with ASD
A Literature Review on Positive and Negative Effects of Interruptions and Implications for Design
A new interactive paradigm for speech therapy
A simple evaluation framework for enhanced usability and accessibility of Cultural Heritage Information Systems
A Study on Prototyping in a Design Course
A Theoretical Framework For The Development of "Needy" Socially Assistive Robots
AllyChat: Developing a VR Conversational AI Agent Using Few-Shot Learning to Support Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
An Approach to Evaluate User Interfaces in a Scholarly Knowledge Communication Domain
Are Italian and French Public University Websites Sustainable?
Are You Okay? Development of Electronic Check-in Systems for Isolated Older Adults
Availability for Work, Family, and Leisure: An Empirical Study
Better Real-Life Space Utilization in VR Through a Multimodal Guardian Alternative
Building Teamwork: Mixed Reality Game for Developing Trust and Communication
Coding with colors: Children's errors committed while programming Robotito for the first time
Design and development of an immersive Virtual Reality application to reduce anxiety in young adults
Designing AR Applications for People Living with Dementia
Designing Interaction to Support Sustained Attention
Digital Educational Games with Storytelling for Students to Learn Algebra
Distinguishing user paths for personas and stakeholders through motives and decision making
Embodied PointCloud: Combining Embodied Avatars with Point Clouds to Represent Users in VR Remote Meetings
Enhancing Learnability with Micro Teachings
Exploring Responsible AI Practices in Dutch Media Organizations
Exploring Users' Ability to Choose a Proper Fit in Smart-Rings: A Year-Long "In the Wild" Study
Heuristics to design trustworthy technologies: study design and current progress
Infuences of Cognitive Styles on EEG-based Activity: An Empirical Study on Visual Content Comprehension
Interactive 3D printed urban maps for blind people
Interactive Visualization of Sport Climbing Data
Interactors, not users! Towards a neutral interaction design
Lessons Learned from Designing and Implementing Interaction Mechanics for Viewer Participation in Game Streaming
Mapping The Digital Injustices of Technology-Facilitated Sex Trafficking
MetaCUX: Social Interaction and Collaboration in the Metaverse
Multisensory Climbing in the Magic Room
News Bulletins Supporting Human Memory
PECSOnline: A Bespoke Classroom Based Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) for Children with Autism
Prediction of Love-Like Scores after Speed Dating based on Pre-obtainable Personal Characteristic Information
SamS-Vis: A Tool to Visualize Summary View using Sampled Data
They need to know and learn – Gamified Social Communication Framework for Adolescent Reproductive Health and Well Being
Towards Cross-Cultural Assessment of Trust in High-Risk AI
Towards Enhancing the Media Industry through AI-Driven Image Recommendations
Using virtual reality to investigate the emergence of gaze conventions in interpersonal coordination
What's in a Name? How Perceived Music Playlist Personalization Influences Content Expectations
Where do all Stakeholders find the Software Product Blueprint?
Why Choose You? - Exploring Attitudes Towards Starter Pokémon
Algorithmic affordances in recommender interfaces
Co-Designing Immersive Virtual and Extended Reality Systems for Remote and Unsupervised Interaction, Intervention, Training and Research
Designing for Map-based Interfaces and Interactions
Designing Technology for Neurodivergent Self-Determination: Challenges and Opportunities
HCI for Digital Democracy and Citizen Participation
HCI-E2-2023: Second IFIP WG 2.7/13.4 Workshop on HCI Engineering Education
Human-Centered Software Engineering: Rethinking the Interplay of Human-Computer Interaction and Software Engineering in the Age of Digital Transformation
Intelligence Augmentation: Future Directions and Ethical Implications in HCI
Interacting with Assistive Technology (IATech) Workshop
On Land, at Sea, and in the Air: Human-Computer Interaction in Safety-Critical Spaces of Control
Playful, Curious, Creative, Equitable: Exploring Opportunities for AI Technologies with Older Adults
Re-Contextualizing Built Environments: Critical & Inclusive HCI Approaches for Cultural Heritage
Sustainable Human-Work Interaction Designs
Understanding HCI approaches for the Metaverse in Education applications for the Global South
VR Accessibility in Distance Adult Education.

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