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Introduction: Consumer Theory Today Is Unthinkable Without Headstrong and Unorthodox Pioneers
1 Science Lives Precisely Also from Deviants
2 What Is Critical Consumer Theory?
3 Overview of the Contributions
Part I: In Search of Individual Satisfaction
Bell, Campbell and the Soul of Modern Consumerism
1 The Modernity of Modern Consumption
2 Daniel Bell: The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism (1976)
2.1 Biography and Books
2.2 Origin and Structure
2.3 An Unholy Trinity
2.4 The Bourgeois Society as an Ideal Type

2.5 The Modern(istic) Culture
2.6 Hedonism and Consumption
3 Interim Review
4 Colin Campbell: The Romantic Ethic and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism (1987)
5 Final Consideration
Of Markets and People: Tibor Scitovskyś Joyless Economy
1 Preliminary Remark
2 Vita Activa Between Old Europe and the New World
2.1 The Out-Migrant
2.2 The One-Walker
3 The Joyless Economy
3.1 The Joyless Economy as a Research Program on Human Welfare
3.1.1 Scitovskyś Programme in Brief
3.1.2 The Psychology and Economics of Motivations

3.1.3 The American Lifestyle
3.1.4 The Message: Less Puritanism, More Enjoyment of Life!
3.2 First Reactions: So What?
3.3 The Second Edition
4 Bore or Long-Term Performer?
4.1 Twenty Years Later
4.2 And Today? Rarely Quoted, Little Noticed
4.3 Why Only, Why?
4.4 Scitovsky: An Outsider?
5 After Note
Albert O. Hirschman: Pioneer of an Action-Oriented Consumption Theory
1 A Life Between Exit and Voice
2 Crossing Borders
3 Reaction Modes
3.1 Exit
3.2 Voice
3.3 Combinations of Exit and Voice
3.4 Loyalty
4 Disappointment
5 Legacy

1 Gerhard Scherhorn: Lateral Thinker and Initiator
2 Recollection of Our Interaction in the Research Group Ethical-Ecological Rating
3 Joyous Serenity
4 Boundless Optimism
Georg Simmel: Fashion and Beauty
1 Introduction
Overview 1 Facts About Fast Fashion. Source: Frey 2020
2 Life and Work
2.1 Curriculum Vitae
2.2 Complete Works
2.3 Aesthetics
3 Philosophy of Fashion
3.1 Contents
3.2 Mathematics of Oscillations
3.3 Quantitative Models for Fashion
4 Fast Fashion, Aesthetics and Sustainability
5 Simmel, Siri of the Belle Époque?

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