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Introduction: "A People's War"
PART I Southern Civilians under Siege
Chapter One. The Last Fire-Eater: Edmund Ruffin
Chapter Two. Times to Try a Woman's Soul
Chapter Three. A Miserable, Frightened Life: Southern Refugees
Chapter Four "A Species of Passionate Insanity": Women of Vicksburg
Chapter Five. Culture Clash: Invaders and Rebels in the Occupied South
Chapter Six. A Lukewarm People: Home Front Dissenters in the Confederacy
Chapter Seven "I Ain't Ashamed of Nuthin": Bill Arp Explains the Confederate Home Front
PART II Northern Society at War
Chapter Eight. George Templeton Strong and the Serious Job of Journalizing
Chapter Nine. Reporting the War: Civil War Journalism in the North
Chapter Ten. Literary Nurses: Louisa May Alcott and Walt Whitman
Chapter Eleven. Thinking Big: Love and Advice from Civil War Fathers
Chapter Twelve. A Record of Munificence: Supporting the Troops
Chapter Thirteen "The Bloody Week": The New York City Draft Riots
PART III The Children's Civil War
Chapter Fourteen. Rabid Partisans among Their Playmates
Chapter Fifteen. What a Difference a War Makes: A Northern Boy and a Southern Girl
Chapter Sixteen. Playing Soldier: Phip Flaxen and the Watermelon War
Chapter Seventeen. Oliver Optic's Civil War: Northern Children and the Literary War for the Union
PART IV African Americans and the War
Chapter Eighteen. Havens and Hellholes: Challenges and Opportunities in the Contraband Camps
Chapter Nineteen. Testing the Boundaries: Slave Lives in the Confederacy
Chapter Twenty. Free to Learn: Educating Freedpeople
PART V Aftermaths
Chapter Twenty-One "That Such a Thing Could Ever Happen": The Death of a President
Chapter Twenty-Two. Out at the Soldiers' Home: Union Veterans
Chapter Twenty-Three. Children of the Battlefield: Soldiers' Orphans
Chapter Twenty-Four. Up from Slavery: African Americans after the War
Chapter Twenty-Five "True Soldiers of the Southern Cross": Confederate Women and the Lost Cause
Chapter Twenty-Six. The Devil's Civil War: The Stories of Ambrose Bierce
Bibliographical Essay

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