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1 Intending Transcendence: Desiring God
2 Corporeality and the Glory of the Infinite in the Philosophy of Levinas
3 Postmodern Saintliness: Ecstasy and Altruism
4 Levinas and Hillel's Questions
5 Recontextualizing the Ontological Argument: A Lacanian Analysis
PART II Training Bodies: Pedagogies of Pain
6 Asceticism as Willed Corporeality: Body in Foucault and Heidegger
7 Blind Man Seeing: From Chiasm to Hyperreality
8 The Howl of Oedipus, the Cry of Héloïse: From Asceticism to Postmodern Ethics
9 From the Death of the Word to the Rise of the Image in the Choreography of Merce Cunningham
PART III Bodies: Subject or Code?
10 Empathy and Sympathy as Tactile Encounter
11 Levinas's Other and the Culture of the Co
12 From Neo-Platonism to Souls in Silico: Quests for Immortality ''
PART IV Nihilation and the Ethics of Alterity
13 The Semantic Spaces of Terror: A Theological Response
14 The Warring Logics of Genocide
15 Incursions of Alterity: The Double Bind of Obligation
16 Memory, History, Revelation: Writing the Dead Other
17 Exemplary Individuals: Toward a Phenomenological Ethics
PART V Conversations
18 Interview with Emmanuel Levinas
19 Postmodernism and the Desire for God: An E-mail Exchange
20 Heterological History A Conversation
PART VI The Art in Ethics
21 Between Swooners and Cynics: The Art of Envisioning God
22 Facts, Fiction, Ficciones: Truth in the Study of Religion
23 Eating the Text, Defiling the Hands: Specters in Arnold Schoenberg's Opera Moses and Aron
24 Killing the Cat: Sacrifice and Beauty in Genet and Mishima
25 The Art in Ethics: Aesthetics, Objectivity, and Alterity in the Philosophy of Levinas
PART VII Comparing Philosophies
26 The Moral Self: Levinas and Hermann Cohen
27 Autochthony and Welcome: Discourses of Exile in Derrida and Levinas
28 Time and Nonbeing in Derrida and Quine
29 The Logic of Artifactual Existents: John Dewey and Claude Le´vi-Strauss
30 The Mathematical Model in Plato and Some Surrogates in a Jain Theory of Knowledge
31 Soft Nominalism in Quine and the School of Dignāga
32 Fear of Primitives, Primitive Fears: Anthropology in the Philosophies of Heidegger and Levinas

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