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Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations
Introduction: Negotiating Becoming
Part One. Negotiating events and multiplicities
1. Whitehead, Post-Structuralism, and Realism
2. Nomad Thought: Deleuze, Whitehead, and the Adventure of Thinking
3. Transcendental Empiricism in Deleuze and Whitehead
4. Can We Be Wolves? Intersections between Deleuze's Difference and Repetition and Butler's Performativity
Part Two. Negotiating bodies and societies
5. Butler and Whitehead on the (Social) Body
6. Conflict
7. Becoming through Multiplicity: Staying in the Middle of Whitehead's and Deleuze-Guattari's Philosophies of Life
Part Three. Negotiating immanence and divinity
8. Surrationality and Chaosmos: For a More Deleuzian Whitehead (with a Butlerian Intervention)
9. Divine Possibilities: Becoming an Order without Law
10. ''God Is a Lobster'': Whitehead's Receptacle Meets the Deleuzian Sieve
11. Uninteresting Truth? Tedium and Event in Postmodernity
List of Contributors
List of Abbreviations
Introduction: Negotiating Becoming
Part One. Negotiating events and multiplicities
1. Whitehead, Post-Structuralism, and Realism
2. Nomad Thought: Deleuze, Whitehead, and the Adventure of Thinking
3. Transcendental Empiricism in Deleuze and Whitehead
4. Can We Be Wolves? Intersections between Deleuze's Difference and Repetition and Butler's Performativity
Part Two. Negotiating bodies and societies
5. Butler and Whitehead on the (Social) Body
6. Conflict
7. Becoming through Multiplicity: Staying in the Middle of Whitehead's and Deleuze-Guattari's Philosophies of Life
Part Three. Negotiating immanence and divinity
8. Surrationality and Chaosmos: For a More Deleuzian Whitehead (with a Butlerian Intervention)
9. Divine Possibilities: Becoming an Order without Law
10. ''God Is a Lobster'': Whitehead's Receptacle Meets the Deleuzian Sieve
11. Uninteresting Truth? Tedium and Event in Postmodernity
List of Contributors