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Myth 1. That the Rise of Christianity Was Responsible for the Demise of Ancient Science
Myth 2. That the Medieval Christian Church Suppressed the Growth of Science
Myth 3. That Medieval Christians Taught That the Earth Was Flat
Myth 4. That Medieval Islamic Culture Was Inhospitable to Science
Myth 5. That the Medieval Church Prohibited Human Dissection
Myth 6. That Copernicanism Demoted Humans from the Center of the Cosmos
Myth 7. That Giordano Bruno Was the First Martyr of Modern Science
Myth 8. That Galileo Was Imprisoned and Tortured for Advocating Copernicanism
Myth 9. That Christianity Gave Birth to Modern Science
Myth 10. That the Scientific Revolution Liberated Science from Religion
Myth 11. That Catholics Did Not Contribute to the Scientific Revolution
Myth 12. That René Descartes Originated the Mind- Body Distinction
Myth 13. That Isaac Newton's Mechanistic Cosmology Eliminated the Need for God
Myth 14. That the Church Denounced Anesthesia in Childbirth on Biblical Grounds
Myth 15. That the Theory of Organic Evolution Is Based on Circular Reasoning
Myth 16. That Evolution Destroyed Darwin's Faith in Christianity-Until He Reconverted on His Deathbed
Myth 17. That Huxley Defeated Wilberforce in Their Debate over Evolution and Religion
Myth 18. That Darwin Destroyed Natural Theology
Myth 19. That Darwin and Haeckel Were Complicit in Nazi Biology
Myth 20. That the Scopes Trial Ended in Defeat for Antievolutionism
Myth 21. That Einstein Believed in a Personal God
Myth 22. That Quantum Physics Demonstrated the Doctrine of Free Will
Myth 23. That "Intelligent Design" Represents a Scientific Challenge to Evolution
Myth 24. That Creationism Is a Uniquely American Phenomenon
Myth 25. That Modern Science Has Secularized Western Culture
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