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Part I Pre-Face
Materiality of Cooperation- An Introduction
1 Cooperative Media: From Situationalism to Post-Situationalism
1.1 Situationalism in Social Theory: What About Media?
1.2 Post-Situationalism: About Media
2 Temporalising Situations
2.1 Before the Situation
2.2 During the Situation
2.3 Beyond the Situation
2.4 Post-Scriptum: Situating Bodies in Cooperation/Embodying Cooperation
Part II Before the Situation
'Harmony, Not Discord': Cooperation in the Office of the Larkin Company Around 1900

1 Cooperation in Writing
2 Organised Cooperation
3 Idealised Cooperation
4 Endangered Cooperation
On the Infrastructure of the Slaughterhouse
1 Technical Infrastructure
2 Media, Agents, Interfaces
3 Cultural Techniques of Networking
Version Control. On the Software-Based Coordination of Co-laboration
1 Controversial Lines of Development
2 Co-laborating with Subversion
3 Co-laborating with Git
4 Git Versus GitHub: Politics of Collaborative Platforms
5 Conclusion
Part III During the Situation

Chains of Co-operation in the 1940s: Working on the Air Situation Picture
1 The Initial Situation
2 The Dowding System
3 The Co-operative Chain of the Dowding System
4 The Division Command Post
5 The Co-operative Chains of the Division Command Post
5.1 The Radar-Based Chain of Co-operation
5.2 The Parallel Reporting Service-Based Chain of Co-operation
6 Results
On Identification: Theory and History of a Media Practice
1 From 'Identitas' to 'Identification'
2 Media and Social Theory of Identification
3 Identity Documents and Credit Cards

4 Masking, Disguising, Deceiving
5 Bureaucracy in Digital Cultures
Routines of Cooperation in Creative Work
1 Cooperation in Labour Research
2 The Case: Cooperative Situations in Advertising Agencies
2.1 Cooperation in the Field of Creative Work
2.2 Cooperation in the Area of Design
3 Conclusion
Bodies/Technology on Standby: The Importance of Cooperative Waiting for Digital Work
1 Introduction
2 Temporal Coordination of Digital Cooperation
2.1 Waiting as a Sociotechnical Practice
2.2 Observing Cooperation and Cooperative Waiting

3 Standby: Temporal Incongruences of Cooperative Software Work
3.1 'Standby Pose': The Cooperative Duration of Effects
3.2 'Render Queue': Waiting Online
4 Concatenations of Cooperative Waiting
Strapping and Stacking: An Ethnography in Search of a New Medium
1 Inside the Brain: My First Look in 2015
2 Off Up and Down: The "Staircase" and the "Yak Stack"
3 The Early History of Realtalk
Part IV Beyond the Situation
Creating Trans-Situativity: Air Travel and Its Media
1 Methods

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