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Flexible Queries over Semantic Systems
On Reducing Reasoning and Querying in Natural Logic to Database Querying
Diversifying top-k Answers in a Query by Example Setting
Flexible Classification, Question-Answering and Retrieval with Siamese
Neural Networks for Biomedical Texts
The promise of Query Answering systems in Sexuality: current state, challenges and limitations
Some Properties of the Left Recursive Form of the Convex Combination Linguistic Aggregator
Knowledge Graph Enabled Open-Domain Conversational Question Answering
Advanced methods and applications in Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Automatic generation of coherent natural language texts
Interlingual Semantic Validation
How tasty is this dish? Studying user-recipe interactions with a rating prediction algorithm and Graph Neural Networks
"Let it BEE": Natural Language Classification of arthropod specimens based on their Spanish description
New advances in disinformation detection Bot Detection in Twitter: An overview
A fuzzy approach to detecting suspected disinformtion in videos
All trolls have one mission: An entropy analysis of political misinformation spreaders
A First Evolutionary Fuzzy Approach for Change Mining with Smart Bands
Federated learning in healthcare with unsupervised and semi-supervised methods
Exploring hidden anomalies in UGR'16 with Kitsune
An Orthographic Similarity Measure for Graph-based Text Representations
Applying AI to Social Science and Social Science to AI
An unsupervised approach to extracting knowledge from the relationships between blame attribution on Twitter
"Health is the real wealth" : Unsupervised approach to improve explainability in health-based recommendation systems
Are textual recommendations enough? Guiding physicians toward the design of machine learning pipelines through a visual platform
Who is to blame? Responsibility attribution in AI systems vs human agents
Artificial intelligence law and regulation Methodology for analyzing the risk of algorithmic discrimination from a legal and technical point of view
Data as wealth, data markets and its regulation
ADM in the European Union: An interoperable solution.

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