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Global Level is Back to 1986
More Dictatorships than Liberal Democracies
1 The Problem
1 Introduction
2 The Structure of the Argument
2 The Argument from Global Heating
1 The CFC Example
2 Elinor Ostrom
3 To Blow up Pipelines?
4 How Would an Enlightened Despotism Handle Global Heating?
5 Other Environmental Issues
5.1 Global Targets and Policy Scenarios
6 Conclusion
3 The Argument from War and Peace
1 Kant and Bentham
2 The Abolishment of the Colonial System

3 Democracy as a Means to Eternal Peace
4 The Simple Argument in Defense of the Necessity of a World Government
5 Can We Have War with a World Government?
6 Conclusion
4 The Argument from Global Justice
1 Distributive Justice
2 Utilitarianism
3 Egalitarianism
4 The Moral Rights Theory
5 Taxation and Planning
6 The Future
5 Does It Matter if We Go Extinct?
1 Introduction
2 Three Arguments in Defense of Indifference or in Favor of Extinction
3 Against Pessimism
4 Against Actualism
5 Against Deep Ecology
6 The Repugnant Conclusion

6 Enlightened Despotism: Scope and Limits
1 Introduction
2 The Revolutionary Model
3 A Joint Coup Enacted by a Few Strong Nations
4 A Social Contract Entered by Most States in the World
5 Existing Democracies and Local Rule
6 Despotism and Fear
7 Despotism and the Road to Global Democracy
7 Democracy
1 Introduction
2 Definition and Ideal
3 The Definition of Democratic Decision-Making
4 Populist Democracy
5 Elitism
6 Deliberative Democracy
7 The Case for Populism
8 Global Political Parties
9 Is There a Case for Elitism?

10 Should the Populist Democracy Be Tempered with a System of Judicial Review?
11 Conclusion
8 From Despotism to Democracy: A Roadmap
1 Introduction
2 From Despotism to Democracy
3 Cosmopolitanism
4 Is Cosmopolitanism a Realistic Prospect?
5 Representative Democracy on a Global Level
6 The Military Question
7 Multinationals and Global Democracy
8 Conclusion
9 Is Global Democracy Desirable?
1 Introduction
2 Continued Despotism for the Sake of Future Generations?
3 Why Not a Return to Global Anarchy?
4 The Argument from the Lack of True Democracy

5 The Argument from Communitarianism
6 The Argument from Lack of Economic Integration
7 The Argument from Shared Sovereignty
8 The Argument from the Totalitarian Specter
9 The Argument from Effectiveness
10 Three Versions of the Argument from Soulless Despotism
11 An Aggressive Takeover by Some Nasty Ideology or Religion
12 AGI and Value Lock-In
13 The Threat from Illiberal Legislation
14 Why Global Democracy?
10 Conclusion
Postscript: What if We Fail?

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