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Proportionally Fair Matching with Multiple Groups
Reconstructing Graphs from Connected Triples
Parameterized Complexity of Vertex Splitting to Pathwidth at most 1
Odd Chromatic Number of Graph Classes
Deciding the Erdős-Pósa Property in 3-connected Digraphs
New Width Parameters for Independent Set: One-sided-mim-width and Neighbor-depth
Computational Complexity of Covering Colored Mixed Multigraphswith Degree Partition Equivalence Classes of Size at Most Two
Cutting Barnette graphs perfectly is hard
Metric dimension parameterized by treewidth in chordal graphs
Efficient Constructions for the Gyori-Lovasz Theorem on Almost Chordal Graphs
Generating faster algorithms for d-Path Vertex Cover
A new width parameter of graphs based on edge cuts: -edge-crossing width
Snakes and Ladders: a Treewidth Story
Parameterized Results on Acyclic Matchings with Implications for Related Problems
P-matchings Parameterized by Treewidth
Algorithms and hardness for Metric Dimension on digraphs
Degreewidth : a New Parameter for Solving Problems on Tournaments
Approximating Bin Packing with Con ict Graphs via Maximization Techniques
ai-Metric Graphs: Radius, Diameter and all Eccentricities
Maximum edge colouring problem on graphs that exclude a xed minor
Bounds on Functionality and Symmetric Difference -Two Intriguing Graph Parameters
Cops and Robbers on Multi-layer Graphs
Parameterized Complexity of Broadcasting in Graphs
Turan's Theorem Through Algorithmic Lens
On the Frank number and nowhere-zero ows on graphs
On the minimum number of arcs in 4-dicritical oriented graphs
Tight Algorithms for Connectivity Problems Parameterized byModular-Treewidth.

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