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directory Preface
1. Applications to Biology and Medicine
Hunting Habits of Predatory Birds: Theoretical Explanation of an Empirical Formula
Why Rectified Power (RePU) Activation Functions Are Efficient in Deep Learning: A Theoretical Explanation
Aquatic Ecotoxicology: Theoretical Explanation of Empirical Formulas
How Hot Is Too Hot
How Order and Disorder Affect People's Behavior: An Explanation
Shape of an Egg: Towards a Natural Simple Universal Formula
A General Commonsense Explanation of Several Medical Results
Why Immunodepressive Drugs Often Make People Happier
Systems Approach Explains Why Low Heart Rate Variability Is Correlated with Depression (and Suicidal Thoughts)
2. Applications to Economics and Politics
How to Make Inflation Optimal and Fair
Why Seneca Effect?
Why Rarity Score Is a Good Evaluation of a Non-Fungible Token
Resource Allocation for Multi-Tasking Optimization: Explanation of an Empirical Formula
Everyone Is Above Average: Is It Possible? Is It Good?
How Probable is a Revolution? A Natural ReLU-Like Formula that Fits the Historical Data
Why Should Exactly 1/4 Be Returned to the Original Owner: An Economic Explanation of an Ancient Recommendation
Why Would Anyone Invest in a High-Risk Low-Profit Enterprise?
Which Interval-Valued Alternatives Are Possibly Optimal If We Use Hurwicz Criterion
How to Solve the Apportionment Paradox
In the Absence of Information, the Only Reasonable Negotiation Scheme Is Offering a Certain Percentage of the Original Request: A Proof
3. Applications to Education
How to Make Quantum Ideas Less Counter-Intuitive: A Simple Analysis of Measurement Uncertainty Can Help
Physical Meaning Often Leads to Natural Derivations in Elementary Mathematics: On the Examples of Solving Quadratic and Cubic Equations
Towards Better Ways to Compute the Overall Grade for a Class
Why Some Theoretically Possible Representations of Natural Numbers Were Historically Used and Some Were Not: An Algorithm-Based Explanation
4. Applications to Engineering
Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) Thrusters
Aerospace Engines of the Future: Invariance-Based Analysis
Need for Optimal Distributed Measurement of Cumulative Quantities Explains the Ubiquity of Absolute and Relative Error Components
Over-Measurement Paradox: Suspension of Thermonuclear Research Center and Need to Update Standards
How to Get the Most Accurate Measurement-Based Estimates
How to Estimate The Present Serviceability Rating of a Road Segment: Explanation of an Empirical Formula
5. Applications to Linguistics
Word Representation: Theoretical Explanation of an Empirical Fact
Why Menzerath's Law?
6. Applications to Machine Learning
One More Physics-Based Explanation for Rectified Linear Neurons
Why Deep Neural Networks: Yet Another Explanation
7. Applications to Mathematics
Really Good Theorems Are Those That End Their Life as Definitions: Why
8. Applications to Physics
How to Describe Hypothetic Truly Rare Events (with Probability 0)
Spiral Arms Around a Star: Geometric Explanation
Why Physical Power Laws Usually Have Rational Exponents
Freedom of Will, Non-Uniqueness of Cauchy Problem, Fractal Processes, Renormalization, Phase Transitions, and Stealth Aircraft
How Can the Opposite to a True Theory Be Also True? A Similar Talmudic Discussion Helps Make This Famous Bohr's Statement Logically Consistent
How to Detect (and Analyze) Independent Subsystems of a Black-Box (or Grey-Box) System
9. Applications to Psychology and Decision Making
Why Decision Paralysis
Why Time Seems to Pass Slowly for Unpleasant Experiences and Quickly for Pleasant Experiences: An Explanation Based on Decision Theory
How to Deal with Conflict of Interest Situations When Selecting the Best Submission
Why Aspirational Goals: Geometric Explanation
Why Hate: Analysis Based on Decision Theory
Why Self-Esteem Helps to Solve Problems: An Algorithmic Explanation
Why Five Stages of Solar Activity, Why Five Stages of Grief, Why Seven Plus Minus Two: A General Geometric Explanation
10. Applications to Software Engineering
Anomaly Detection in Crowdsourcing: Why Midpoints in Interval-Valued Approach
Unexpected Economic Consequence of Cloud Computing: A Boost to Algorithmic Creativity
Unreachable Statements Are Inevitable In Software Testing: Theoretical Explanation
11. General Computational Techniques
Why Constraint Interval Arithmetic Techniques Work Well: A Theorem Explains Empirical Success"
"How to Describe Relative Approximation Error? A New Justification for Gustafson's Logarithmic Expression"
Search Under Uncertainty Should be Randomized: A Lesson From the 2021 Nobel Prize in Medicine"
Why Convex Combination Is an Effective Crossover Operation in Continuous Optimization: A Theoretical Explanation"
"Why Optimization Is Faster than Solving Systems of Equations: A Qualitative Explanation"
Estimating Skewness and Higher Central Moments of an Interval-Valued
Fuzzy Set"
How to Detect the Fundamental Frequency: Approach Motivated by Soft
Computing and Computational Complexity"
What If There Are Too Many Outliers?"
What Is a Natural Probability Distribution on the Class of All Continuous Functions: Maximum Entropy Approach Leads to Wiener Measure"
An Argument in Favor of Piecewise-Constant Membership Functions"
"Data Processing under Fuzzy Uncertainty: Towards More Accurate Algorithms"
"Epistemic vs. Aleatory: Case of Interval Uncertainty"
"Standard Interval Computation Algorithm Is Not Inclusion-Monotonic: Examples"
"Monotonic Bit-Invariant Permutation-Invariant Metrics on the Set of All Infinite Binary Sequences"
Computing the Range of a Function-of-Few-Linear-Combinations Under Linear Constraints: A Feasible Algorithm"
"How to Select a Representative Sample for a Family of Functions?.

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