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Chapter 1: Partitions, Frames and the OVER() clause
Chapter 2: Sales DW Use Case—Aggregate Functions
Chapter 3: Sales Use Case - Analytical Functions
Chapter 4: Sales Use Case - Ranking/Window Functions
Chapter 5: Finance Use Case - Aggregate Functions
Chapter 6: Finance Use Case - Ranking Functions
Chapter 7: Finance Use Case - Analytical Functions
Chapter 8: Plant Use Case - Aggregate Functions
Chapter 9: Plant Use Case - Ranking Functions
Chapter 10: Plant Use Case - Analytical Functions
Chapter 11: Inventory Control Use Case - Aggregate Functions
Chapter 12: Inventory Use Case - Ranking Functions
Chapter 13: Inventory Use Case - Analytical Functions
Chapter 14: Summary, Conclusions, and Next Steps
Appendix 1: Function Syntax, Descriptions
Appendix 2: Statistical Functions.

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