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Watermarking Audio Signals: Analysis of Noise Effect and Error Characteristics
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Framework
2.1 Audio Compression Formats
2.2 Haar Wavelet Transform
2.3 Quantization-Based Embedding Algorithms and Dither Modulation
3 Description of Experiments
4 Analysis of the Results
4.1 Analysis of Error Sequence
5 Conclusion and Future Work
Determination of Honeybee Colony's Placement for Optimum Bee Foraging
1 Introduction
2 Honeybee Colony's Model
3 Mixed Integer Programming Algorithm

4 Numerical Experiments
5 Conclusion and Future Work
Improvement of Air Pollution Caused by Traffic Through Different Signal Timing Policies
Case Study of Sofia
1 Introduction
2 The Study Area
3 The Experiment
4 Results and Discussion
5 Conclusion
Statistical Properties of Stationary Flow of Substance in a Network Channel Containing Arbitrary Number of Arms
1 Introduction
2 Flow of Substance in a Channel Which Arms Contain Infinite Number of Nodes Each

3 Theory for the Case of Channel Consisting of Arms Containing Finite Number of Nodes
4 Shannon Information Measure for Studied Channel
ETCCDI Thermal Climate Indices in the CMIP5 Future Climate Projections over Southeast Europe
1 Data and Methodology
2 Results and Discussion
2.1 Temporal and Ensemble Means
2.2 Temporal Evolution and Trend Estimation
3 Conclusion
Solar Radiation Modelling for Bulgaria Based on Assimilated Surface Data
1 Concept and Methodology
2 Performed Calculations and Obtained Results
3 Conclusion

New Ant Colony Optimization Including Weights
1 Introduction
2 Ant Coloni Optimization
3 Multiple Knapsack Problem
4 Analysis of Numerical Reults
5 Conclusion
Numerical Methods for Fractional Diffusion-Reaction Problems Based on Operator Splitting and BURA
1 Introduction
2 Fractional Diffusion
2.1 Fractional Diffusion Operators
2.2 Fractional Power of Symmetric and Positive Definite Matrices
3 Model Fractional Diffusion-Reaction Problem
4 The BURA Method
4.1 Construction and Error Estimates
4.2 Implementation and Complexity

5 Operator Splitting for the Time-Dependent Fractional Diffusion Reaction Problem
5.1 Sequential Splitting
5.2 Convergence of the Splitting Scheme
6 Balancing the Errors of the Composite Algorithm
7 Concluding Remarks
Reconstruction of Time-Dependent Implied Volatility by Market Observations for European Options in Jump-Diffusion Models
1 Introduction
2 Direct and Inverse Problems
2.1 The Pricing Models
2.2 The Inverse Problem
3 Numerical Solution to the Direct Problem
4 Numerical Solution to the Inverse Problem
5 Computational Experiments

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