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Pre-Introduction The translations used for the main classical sources are as follows:
Chapter 1: Introduction
The Dialogical Disposition of Krishnamurti's Work
Hadot and the Classical Philosophical Dialogue
Understanding Krishnamurti Through the Hadotian Lens
The Krishnamurti Dialogue and Multicultural Philosophy
The Journey Ahead
Part I: The Classical Philosophical Dialogue
Chapter 2: 'Know Thyself': Hadot and the Conception of Transformative Philosophy
The 'Organized Totality' of Classical Philosophy

Transformative Philosophy
The Communal Dimension of Transformative Philosophy
Sages or Philosophers?
Chapter 3: 'You Have Dispelled My Doubts and Delusions': Dialogue in Classical India and Classical Greece
The Dialogical Dimension of Indian Philosophies
The Conversational Nature of Greek Philosophy
The Beginnings of the Transformative Dialogue
Chapter 4: 'When People Are Questioned, and the Questions Are Well Put': Transformative Dialogue in the Upaniṣads and in Plato
Dialogue as Transformation
The Teacher as a Midwife

The Two Types of Transformation
Chapter 5: Dialogues of Life and Death: Transformative Dialogue in Plato's Phaedo and in the Kaṭhopaniṣad
Death as an Opportunity
Soul-Liberation in the Phaedo
'Know Thyself to Be Pure and Immortal!'
Where Mysticism Diverges from Transformative Philosophy
Complete and Incomplete Endings
Part II: The Krishnamurti Dialogue
Chapter 6: 'We Are Inquiring Together': The Dialogical Nature of Jiddu Krishnamurti's Work
Krishnamurti as a Rebel
The Awakening of Intelligence

Krishnamurti's Teachings as a Living Praxis
Chapter 7: 'Questions to Which There Are No Answers': The Method Behind the Krishnamurti Dialogue
The Birth of a New Method
First Dialogue Analysis
Second Dialogue Analysis
On Krishnamurti's Question and Negation
Chapter 8: 'The Thunder of Insight': The Final Destination of Krishnamurti's Dialogue
First Stage: The Method
Second Stage: The Preparatory Stage
Third Stage: The Shift of Insight
Fourth Stage: The Ultimate State

Chapter 9: 'Come and Join Me': Krishnamurti in Dialogue with Scholars
Krishnamurti and the Life of the Mind
Murdoch-Krishnamurti: Trying to 'Build Up Structures'
Needleman-Krishnamurti: Looking Beyond the Self's Barbed-Wire Fence
Understanding Krishnamurti
Part III: Krishnamurti and the Classical Philosophical Dialogue
Chapter 10: Socrates, Kōan, Krishnamurti: Questions as a Spiritual Exercise
Socrates: Refutation as Cleansing
Kōan: Rooting Out the Entire Mind
Krishnamurti: The Answer is in the Question

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