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Part I: Neoliberal Authoritarianism
Chapter 1: Terry Maley, Building on Marcuse: An Assessment of the New Phase of Neoliberal Despotism
Chapter 2: Samir Gandesha, The Authoritarian Personality Reconsidered: The Phantom of Left Fascism
Chapter 3: Luca Mandara, Marcuse and the Social Networkers
Chapter 4: Rodney Doody, The Hedonism and Asceticism of Neoliberal Subjectivity: The Crude Needs of Consumer Capitalism and its Social, Psychological, and Ecological Devastation
Chapter 5: Christian Garland, Turning Sense Into Nonsense and Nonsense Into Sense: Critical Theory to Refuse the Fallacy of Populism
Chapter 6: Lauren Langman, Refusals Redux
Part II: Neoliberalism and Technological Rationality
Chapter 7: Stefan Gandler, Multiple Subjectivities in Neoliberal Times: Reflections from a Critical Theory in Latin America
Chapter 8: Haggag Ali, Receptions of Herbert Marcuses Critical Theory: A Comparative Approach to Telos and Al Fekr Al Moer
Chapter 9: Wes Furlotte, A Dialectical Critique of Pure Recognition: Settler-Colonialism within Advanced Industrial Canada
Chapter 10: Nicole K. Mayberry, Color-Blind Racism and One-Dimensionality: Imagining Marcusean Conditions of Freedom Through the Black Radical Tradition
Chapter 11: Taylor Hines, Artificial Reverie and Administered Negativity
Chapter 12: Robert E. Kirsch, Reigniting Racket Theory: Horkheimers Unfinished Project and Marcuses Affinity for American Institutionalism
Part III: Socialism(s): Still the Proper Response
Chapter 13: Peter-Erwin Jansen, Human Rights: A Concrete Utopian Concept
Chapter 14: Charles Reitz, Revolutionary Ecological Liberation: EarthCommonWealth
Chapter 15: Imaculada Kangussu, 2020: Nature Said, Stop
Chapter 16: Casey Robertson, Marcusean Pathways for Queer Agency through Sonic Conceptions of Noise in the Twenty-First Century
Chapter 17: James William Lincoln, The Unfreedom of Moral Perception during Occurrent Experience
Chapter 18: Peter Marcuse, From Reform Politics towards Liberation during the Suicide of Capitalism: Examples from Housing Policy
Afterword, Douglas Kellner.

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