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Symbols and Abbreviations
Subscripts and Superscripts
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Oil Constituents
1.3 Classification of Reservoirs
1.4 Volumetric and Phase Behavior
1.5 The Flow of Oil Mixtures
1.6 Well Flow Rate Determination
1.7 Scope and Objectives of the Book
2 Thermodynamics of Petroleum Mixtures
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Equations of State
2.2.1 Van der Waals Equation
2.2.2 Modern Equations of State
2.2.3 Further Improvements

2.2.4 Solution of Cubic Equations of State
2.2.5 Mixing Rules
2.3 Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium
2.3.1 Types of Problems and Formulation
2.3.2 Chemical Potential and Fugacity of a Component
2.3.3 Calculation of Equilibrium Constants
2.3.4 Solving the Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Problem
2.3.5 Stability Analysis in Flash Calculations
2.4 Obtaining the Thermodynamic Properties of the Mixture
2.5 Characterization of Oil Reservoir Fluids
2.5.1 Critical Properties, Acentric Factor and Specific Heat of SCN Fractions
2.5.2 Splitting the Heavy Fraction
2.5.3 Lumping Components

2.5.4 Model Fitting
2.6 Preliminary Results
3 Developing a Fluid Model
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Initial Assumptions
3.3 New Expressions for the Angular Coefficient of the alpha(T) Function
3.3.1 Consistency Test and Extrapolation of Current Expressions
3.3.2 Fitting of New Functions
3.4 New Correlations for the Characterization of SCN Fractions
3.4.1 Consistency Test and Extrapolation of Current Correlations
3.4.2 New Fitting of Exponential Functions
3.4.3 Results and Comparisons
3.5 Methodology for Fitting the Proposed Fluid Model

3.5.1 Introduction of Fitting Coefficients
3.5.2 Definition of the Minimum Set of Variables
3.5.3 Composition of the Objective Function
3.5.4 Objective Function Optimization Using the Response Surface Methodology
3.5.5 Definition of Weights, Results and Comparison
3.6 Empirical Correlations for the Calculation of Other Properties
3.6.1 Thermodynamic Properties of Formation Water
3.6.2 Transport Properties
3.7 Results and Validation
4 Fluid Flow in Oil Production Systems
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Stratified Flow
4.2.1 Interface Shape

4.2.2 Shear Stresses
4.3 Annular Flow
4.3.1 Shear Stresses
4.3.2 Liquid Entrained Fraction
4.4 Bubbly and Dispersed Bubble Flows
4.4.1 Slip Law Parameters
4.4.2 Wall Shear Stress
4.5 Slug and Elongated Bubble Flow
4.5.1 Slip Law Parameters
4.5.2 Gas Volume Fraction in the Liquid Slug
4.5.3 Wall Shear Stress
4.6 Flow Pattern Determination
4.6.1 Liquid Film Stability
4.6.2 Gas Bubbles Stability
4.6.3 Liquid Slug and Dumitrescu-Taylor Bubble Stability
4.7 Solution of Two-Phase Flows Using the Mechanistic Approach
4.7.1 North Sea Model

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