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1. Introduction
2. Yeats and Lu Xun: Postcolonised Modernists?
3.How Lu Xun translated Yeats and the Irish Revival
4. Yeats's Reception in China: How Chinese May Fourth Writers Translated Yeats and the Irish Revival
5. Tempests in Tenements and Teahouses: A Comparison of Irish Revivalist Seán O'Casey's trilogy of plays with Lao She's Teahouse
6. Spreading the News Lady Gregory's Plays Made it all the Way to China! A Gendered Comparison of "Founding Mothers" Lady Gregory in Revivalist Ireland and Qiu Jin in China
7. How Was the New Woman Constructed in Revivalist Ireland and May Fourth China? A Comparison of Socialist and Feminist Writers Ding Ling and Eva Gore-Booth
8. Irish Revivalist J. M. Synge and Chinese May Fourth Playwright Cao Yu: 'Boys' Who 'Play' in the Postcolonised Wilderness?
9. Did Ye Ever Hear of the Christmas Rising by Liu Bannong? Receptions of the 1916 Irish Easter Rising in Republican era China
10. Conclusion.

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