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Part I: Money and Its Role in the Economy
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: What Is Money?
2.1 The Functions of Money
2.2 Money Creation: Some Preliminary Thoughts
2.3 Money Creation: The Money Multiplier Theory
2.3.1 Banks Lend Out Customer's Money
2.3.2 Lending Customer's Money Does Not Increase the Balance Sheet Total
2.3.3 Lending Increases the Money Supply Throughout the Banking Sector
2.3.4 Every Loan Expands the Money Supply
2.3.5 Summary
2.4 Money Creation "Ex Nihilo" (Out of Nothing)?

2.4.1 Supposed Balance Sheet Expansion
2.4.2 Magic Money Creation?
2.4.3 Contradictory Views in Literature
2.5 How Do the Different Views Come About?
2.5.1 Where Is the 99% Interest Margin?
2.5.2 No Balance Sheet Expansion Through Loans
2.5.3 Granting of Loans Provokes an Asset Swap
2.5.4 The Origin of the Confusion: Banks Are Not Only Financial Intermediaries
2.5.5 Werner's "Empirical Test"
2.5.6 A Clear Definition of What We Call Money Is Crucial
2.5.7 Summary
2.6 Discussion
2.6.1 The Effect of a 100% Reserve Requirement (Full Reserve Banking)

2.6.2 Money Is Always the Counterpart of Debt
2.6.3 Money Being the Counterpart of Debt Is Not a Problem
2.7 Conclusions
Chapter 3: Money Is Like the 'Blood' of the Economy
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Virtual Wealth: Why Money Has No Intrinsic Value
3.3 Money Is the Measure of Value
3.3.1 The Exchange Value and the Monopolistic Character of Money
3.3.2 The Role of Markets
3.3.3 Money Does Not Have Value but Represents Value
3.4 The Money Illusion and the Importance of Perception
3.5 The Problem Is the Unnatural Design of Our Money

Part II: Money and Unsustainability in Stricto Sensu
Chapter 4: The Growth Imperative Inherent in Our Financial System
4.1 The Unnatural Storability of Money as Origin of Interest
4.2 Demystifying the Role of Interest
4.2.1 Interest Is Not Caused Be the Keynesian Liquidity-Preference
4.2.2 Interest Is Not Natural
4.2.3 Interest Is Not the Price of Money
4.2.4 Interest Is Not a Premium for Abstaining from Consumption
4.2.5 Interest Is in Most Cases Not a Risk Premium
4.2.6 The Interest Margins of Banks Are Not the Main Problem

4.3 Interest Makes the Money Supply and Debt Grow Exponentially
4.4 Inflation, Speculation, Crisis and Deflation
4.4.1 Inflation Quantity Theory Demand Inflation Theory Cost Inflation Theory
4.4.2 In the Current System Stable Money Does Not Exist
4.4.3 Purchasing Power Depends on the Productivity of the National Economy
4.4.4 Price Bubbles as Partial Inflation
4.4.5 The Inflation-Deflation Paradox
4.4.6 The Increase of All Prices Equals All Interest Payments
4.4.7 Foreign Investments Do Not Change the Money Supply

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