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Part 1: Advanced language features
Python type hints
Class slots
Weak references
Data classes
Structural pattern matching
Working with pprint
Shallow v deep copy
The __init__versus __new__ and __call__
Python metaclasses and meta programming
Part 2: Computer graphics and GUIs
Introduction to computer graphics
Python turtle graphics
Computer generated art
Introduction to Matplotlib
Graphing with Matplotlib pyplot
Graphical user interfaces
Tkinter GUI library
Events in Tkinter user interfaces
PyDraw Tkinter example application
Part 3: Computer graphics and GUIs
Introduction to games programming
Building games with pygame
StarshipMeteors pygame
Part 4: Testing
Introduction to testing
PyTest testing framework
Mocking for testing
Part 5: File Input / Output
Introduction to files, paths and IO
Reading and writing files
Stream IO
Working with CSV files
Working with excel files
Regular expressions in Python
Part 6: Database access
Introduction to databases
Python DB-API
PyMySQL module
Part 7: Logging
Introduction to logging
Logging in Python
Advanced logging
Part 8: Concurrency and parallelism
Introduction to concurrency and parallelism
Inter thread / Process synchronisation
Concurrency with AsyncIO
Performance monitoring and profiling
Part 9: Reactive programming
Reactive programming introduction
RxPy observables, observers and subjects
RxPy operators
Part 10: Network programming
Introduction to sockets and web services
Sockets in Python
Web services in Python
Flask web services
Flask bookshop web service
Part 11: Data analytics and machine learning
Introduction to data science
Pandas and data analytics
Alternatives to pandas
Machine learning in Python
Pip and Conda virtual environments.

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