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Editors and Contributors
1: An Overview of Medicinal Plants: Drugs of Tomorrow
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Indian Traditional Medicine System
1.2.1 Herbal Remedies
1.2.2 Traditional Chinese Medicine
1.2.3 European Traditional Medicine System
1.2.4 Traditional Medicine of Arabic and North African
Documents of Shanidar IV
1.3 Ethnobotany and Ethnomedicine
1.3.1 Ethnobotany
1.3.2 Ethnobotany and the Search for New Drugs
1.4 Medicinal Plants of Future Prospects
1.5 Conclusion

2: Medicinal Properties of the Plant Under Adverse Environmental Conditions
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Current Status and Trends of Medicinal Plants
2.3 Effect of Adverse Environmental Conditions on Medicinal Plant
2.3.1 Temperature Extremities
2.3.2 Light
2.3.3 Salinity
2.3.4 Drought
2.4 Summary
3: Response of Secondary Metabolites of Ocimum gratissimum L. Under Copper Stress Condition
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Materials and Methods
3.2.1 Sapling Collection, Identification, Polyhouse Experimental Setup and Extraction of Oil
3.2.2 Essential Oil Yield

3.2.3 Essential Oil Analysis and Identification of the Volatile Constituents
3.2.4 Statistical Analysis
3.3 Result and Discussion
3.3.1 Essential Oil Yield
3.3.2 Impact of Copper Stress on the Secondary Metabolites of O. gratissimum L.
3.4 Conclusion
4: Resilience Mechanism of Medicinal Plants Under Harsh Environment
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Abiotic Stresses in Medicinal Plants: Effects and Consequences
4.3 Effects of Drought and Heat Stress on Medicinal Plants
4.4 Salt Stress in Medicinal Plants
4.5 Heavy Metal Stress in Medicinal Plants

4.6 Ultraviolet Radiation in Medicinal Plants
4.7 Genomics Approaches to Understand Abiotic Stress Responses in Medicinal Plants
4.8 Omics as Biotechnological Tools in Medicinal Plants
4.9 Genomics in Medicinal Plants
4.10 Transcriptomics in Medicinal Plants
4.11 Proteomics in Medicinal Plants
4.12 Metabolomics in Medicinal Plants
4.13 Use of New Biotechnological Tools in the Promotion of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants ́Tolerance to Stresses: The Example o...
4.14 Final Remarks

5: Nature Interpretation Sites: A New Hope of Ex-situ Garden for Conservation and Cultivation of Economically Important RET MA...
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Techniques for Conservation
5.3 Ex-situ Implementation
5.4 Ex-situ Institutions and Their Contribution to In-situ Conservation
5.5 List of MAPś Ex-situ Gardens in Uttarakhand
5.6 Conclusion
5.7 About the Institute at a Glance
6: Gene Expression in Medicinal Plants in Stress Conditions
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Stress Factors and Their Impacts on Medicinal Plants

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