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About the Authors
1: What Will this Book Cover?
1.1 Introduction
1.2 What Is a Dissertation?
1.3 Is a Dissertation Difficult?
1.4 What if I Have Never Done Research before?
1.5 Why Should I Do a Dissertation?
1.6 What Skills Will I Master Whilst Completing a Dissertation?
1.7 What about the Different Types of Dissertations?
1.8 How Long Is a Dissertation?
1.9 Is there a Particular Writing Style that Must be Used?
1.10 Who Should Lead my Dissertation?
1.11 Summary
Further Reading

2: How Can I Get Organised?
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Can I Approach my Supervisor?
2.3 What Information Do I Need to Get Started?
2.4 How Do I Find the Time to Work on my Dissertation?
2.5 Diary or an Electronic Calendar?
2.6 Where Should I Work?
2.7 How Do I Avoid Distractions?
2.8 Set Yourself Targets
2.9 Can I Use a Gantt Chart?
2.10 How Do you Know What Goes in each Chapter?
2.11 Where Should I Save my Work?
2.12 How Should I Save my Work?
2.13 Is it OK to Take Breaks?
2.14 How Do I Avoid Dissertation Procrastination?

2.15 How Do I Get Going?
2.16 How Do I Stay Motivated?
2.17 Checklist
2.18 Summary
Further Reading
3: How Do I Choose a Project Type and Title?
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Can I Choose my Own Dissertation?
3.3 What Sort of Study Are you Doing?
3.3.1 Qualitative or Quantitative
3.3.2 Specific Types of Research Studies
3.4 How Do you Choose which Area to Study?
3.5 Is it Ok to Ask my Supervisor for Ideas?
3.6 Should my Dissertation Be Linked to my Career Aspirations?

3.7 Does there Need to Be a Large Body of Literature on my Chosen Topic?
3.8 How Do you Formulate a Research Question?
3.9 Do I Need a Hypothesis As Well as a Research Question?
3.10 What Is the Null Hypothesis?
3.11 How Do you Come Up with a Title?
3.12 Is it OK to Change your Title during the Project?
3.13 Do I Need to Consider the Time Frame?
3.14 Checklist
3.15 Summary
Further Reading
4: What Is the Best Way to Work with my Supervisor?
4.1 Introduction
4.2 What Is the Role of the Dissertation Supervisor?

4.3 How Do I Choose my Supervisor?
4.4 Do I Need to Prepare for Supervisory Meetings?
4.5 Should I Keep a Record of our Meetings?
4.6 Is it OK to Ask for Feedback on a Draft of my Dissertation?
4.7 How Much Feedback Should I Expect?
4.8 What if I Do Not like the Feedback I Have Been Given?
4.9 What Should I Do when my Supervisor Does Not Answer my Emails?
4.10 What if I Do Not Get on with my Supervisor?
4.11 What if I Can No Longer Work with my Supervisor?
4.12 Checklist
4.13 Summary
Further Reading

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