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Note on Data
1: Introduction to ArcGIS Pro
What Is GIS?
GIS Infrastructure
Spatial Data Representation
Introduction to ArcGIS Pro
Authorize ArcGIS Pro to Work Offline
Start ArcGIS Pro
Lesson 1: Explore the Vector Data
Lesson 2: Explore the Raster Data
2: Working With ArcGIS Pro
Create a New ArcGIS Pro Project
Connect to a Folder
Data Integration in ArcGIS PRO
Find Places on a Map
Display Layers Using Visibility Range
Create Thumbnail
Set Map Extent

3: Map Classification and Layout
Creating Map and Data Classification
Data Integration
Import Styles from ArcGIS Desktop
Import Styles from Web
Data Symbolization
Classify the Salinity of Groundwater Using the Natural Break Method
Classify the Salinity of Groundwater Using the Quantile Method
Classify the Salinity of Groundwater Using the Equal Intervals Method
Classify the Salinity of Groundwater Using a Manual Method
Sharing the Projects and the Data Using Package Project
Create Page Layout for Groundwater Classification
Add Guides
Insert Layout Elements

Export the Layout as PDF File
4: Coordinate Systems and Projections
Geographic Coordinate System (GCS)
Map Projections
Working with GCS
Coordinate Systems and Projections
Assign Datum for the Salinity Feature Class
Copy Raster
Georeference the Raster
Project the Raster
Challenge Task
5: Introduction to Geodatabase
Three Types of Geodatabases
Datasets in the Geodatabase
Creating a Geodatabase
Import Image as a Raster Dataset into File Geodatabase
Create a Feature Dataset in File Geodatabase

Digitizing Point, Line and Polygon on Screen
Import Data into Geodatabase
Relationship Class
6: Data Editing and Topology
Simple Editing
Simple Editing
Digitize the Missing Formation
Update the Area and Perimeter fields in the Geology Attribute Table
Merge Function
Advance Editing
Fixing Overshoots and Undershoots
Topological Editing Using Geodatabase
Build the Topology and Set the Rule
Second Approach: Map Topology
Fix Watershed Using Topology (Geodatabase)
7: Geoprocessing
Working with Geoprocessing Tools
Extract a Feature Class
Merge Tool

Buffer Tool and Select By Location
Select by Location
Create an Artificial Water Reservoir for Irrigation Purposes
Erase Tool
8: Site Suitability and Modeling
Site Suitability and Modeling
Model 1
The Criteria to Build the Greenhouse
Model 2: ModelBuilder
Work with a Model: Find Best Suitable Location
The Criteria to Find Suitable Location to Build Nuclear Power Plant
Draw a Connection Interactively Between the Variable and Tool
Validate and Run the Modelbuilder in Model Window
Model Output
Change a Model Name and Label

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