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Investigating Ensemble Learning Methods for Predicting Water Quality Index
Age-Invariant Face Recognition Based on Self-Supervised Learning
Detection of Kidney Stone Based on Super Resolution Techniques and YOLOv7 Under Limited Training Samples
Hardware-Based Lane Detection System Architecture for Autonomous Vehicles
Video Classification Based on the Behaviors of Children in Pre-School Through Surveillance Cameras
Land Subsidence Susceptibility Mapping Using Machine Learning in the Google Earth Engine Platform
Building an AI-Powered IoT App for Fall Detection Using Yolov8 Approach
Seam Puckering Level Classification Using AIoT Technology
Classification of Pneumonia on Chest X-Ray Image Using Transfer Learning
Bayesian Approach for Static Object Detection and Localization in Unmanned Ground Vehicles
Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis Leveraging Densely Connected Convolutional Networks and Explanation Technique
Deep Learning Approach for Inundation Area Detection Using Sentinel Data
Classification of Raisin Grains Based on Ensemble Learning Techniques in Machine Learning
An Effective Deep Learning Model for Detecting Plant Diseases Using a Natural Dataset for the Agricultural IoT System
Real-Time Air Quality Monitoring System Using Fog Computing Technology
An Intelligent Computing Method for Scheduling Projects with Normally Distributed Activity Times.

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