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1: Basic Liver Histology
1.1 Liver Cell Plate
1.2 Zones of Liver
1.3 Basic Cell Types
1.3.1 Hepatocytes
1.3.2 Cholangiocytes
1.3.3 Kupffer Cells (KC)
1.4 Limiting Plate
1.5 Portal Tract
1.6 Central Vein
1.7 Sinusoids
1.8 Biliary Canaliculi
1.9 Special Stains
1.9.1 Masson Trichome (MT) Stain
1.9.2 Reticulin Stain
1.9.3 PAS (Periodic Acid Schiff) Stain and PAS-D (Periodic Acid Schiff with Diastase) Stain
1.9.4 Orcein Stain
1.9.5 Rhodanine Stain
1.9.6 Perl's Stain

2: Basic Liver Pathology Terminologies
2.1 Cholestasis
2.1.1 Bland Canalicular Cholestasis
2.1.2 Hepatocellular Cholestasis and Canalicular Cholestasis
2.2 Pigment Deposits
2.2.1 Dubin-Johnson Pigments
2.2.2 Iron Pigments Iron in Ductal Epithelial Cells (Perls Stain) Hepatocellular and Kupffer Cell Iron Overload (Grade 3 Siderosis)
2.2.3 Copper and Copper Associated Proteins Rhodanine Stain for Copper Deposits
2.3 Portal Inflammation
2.3.1 Mild Portal Inflammation Portal Inflammation with Ductular Reaction

2.3.2 Moderate Portal Inflammation
2.3.3 Severe Portal Inflammation and Interface Hepatitis
2.3.4 Interface Hepatitis and Focal Emperipolesis
2.3.5 Lobular Inflammation
2.3.6 Portal Inflammation with Predominant Lymphocytes
2.3.7 Portal Inflammation with Predominant Neutrophils
2.3.8 Portal Inflammation with Predominant Eosinophils
2.3.9 Lymphoplasmacytic Infiltration at Portal Tract
2.4 Bile Duct Pathology
2.4.1 Ductopenia (Absence of Duct in the Portal Tract) Ductopenia in PAS
2.4.2 Periductal Lamellar Fibrosis Periductal Lamellar Fibrosis (Masson Trichrome Stain)
2.4.3 Neutrophilic Ductulitis
2.4.4 Lymphocytic Ductulitis
2.5 Fatty Change in Liver Disease
2.5.1 Macrovesicular Fatty Change
2.5.2 Micro and Macrovesicular Fatty Change
2.6 Central Perivenulitis
2.7 Necrosis
2.7.1 Bridging Necrosis
2.7.2 Confluent Necrosis
2.7.3 Lobular Inflammation with Spotty Necrosis
2.7.4 Submassive to Massive Necrosis in Explant Liver
2.7.5 Submassive to Massive Necrosis in Core Needle Biopsy
2.8 Extramedullary Hematopoesis
2.9 Multinucleated Giant Cell

2.10 Ballooning Degeneration of Hepatocyte
2.11 Mallory Denk Bodies with Cholestasis
2.11.1 Mallory Denk Body in HCC
2.12 Adequacy of Liver Biopsy
3: Pediatric Liver Pathology
3.1 Neonatal Hepatitis Syndrome
3.1.1 Histology
3.2 Extra Hepatic Biliary Atresia
3.2.1 Histology Salient Histological Features Bile Duct Pictures for EHBA
3.3 Paucity of Intrahepatic Bile Ducts: Alagille Syndrome
3.3.1 Histology Salient Histopathological Features
3.4 Ductal Plate Malformation Disorders

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