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Artificial intelligence: Deep Discriminative Hashing for Cross-modal Hashing based Computer-aided Diagnosis
Image Super-Resolution via Deep Dictionary Learning
ACLM: Adaptive Compensatory Label Mining for Facial Expression Recognition
Semantic-Guided Multi-Feature Fusion for Accurate Video Captioning
Scale-Adaptive Multi-Area Representation for Instance Segmentation
Multi-Level Semantic Extraction using Graph Pooling Network for Text Representation
Research on Strategies for Tripeaks variant with various layouts
A neural network model with the ringed residual block and attention mechanism for image forgery localization
ACMA-GAN: Adaptive Cross-Modal Attention for Text-to-Image Generation
Registration-propagated Liver Tumor Segmentation for Non-enhanced CT-based Interventions
FML-MIS: A Scheme of Privacy Protection and Model Generalization for Medical Images Segmentation via Federated Meta-learning
RoICLIP: Text-Enhanced UAV-based Video Object Detection
Class Incremental Learning with Important and Diverse Memory
Core Issues and Key Arguments of ChatGPT: Topic Mining and Sentiment Analysis Based on U.S. News Reports
Joint Memory Propagation and Rectification for Video Object Segmentation
A noval intelligent assessment based on audio-visual data for Chinese zither fingerings
A Full-level Based Network to Detect Every Aircraft in Airport Scene
Fusing Multi-scale Residual Network for Skeleton Detection
LogoNet: a fine-grained network for instance-level logo sketch retrieval
NCCNet: Arbitrary Neural Style Transfer with Multi-Channel Conversion
BRMR : TAL Based on Boundary Refinement and Multi-scale Regression
AE-Reorient: Active Exploration based Reorientation for Robotic Pick-and-Place
A novel contactless prediction algorithm of indoor thermal comfort based on posture estimation
A real-time wind turbine blade damage detection method based on an improved YOLOv5 algorithm
Intensify Perception Transformer Generative Adversarial Network for Image Super-Resolution
Referring Expression Comprehension Based on Cross Modal Feature Fusion and Iterative Reasoning
ADS-B-based Spatial-Temporal multi-scale object detection network for airport scenes
Unsupervised Segmentation of Haze Regions as Hard Attention for Haze Classification
Learning to Fuse Residual and Conditional Information for Video Compression and Reconstruction
A two-stage 3D object detection algorithm based on deep learning
Dual Temporal Memory Network for Video Salient Object Detection
Cross-Modality Fused Graph Convolutional Network for Image-Text Sentiment Analysis
Local and Global Feature Interaction Network for Endoscope Image classification.

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