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Notes on Contributors
List of Figures
List of Tables
1: Introduction: Masculinities, Discourse and Men's Health
1 Gender and Masculinities
2 Men, Masculinities and Health
3 Discourse, Masculinities and Health
4 This Book
2: 'I Am a Man but I Can Cry Right Now': Representations of Masculinity in an Anxiety Support Forum
1 Introduction
2 Masculinity and Mental Health
3 Methodology
4 Results
Provider and Protector
Strong is Silent
Man Up
Anxiety Doesn't Play Favourites
Macho Culture

It Takes a Bigger Man
5 Discussion
3: Men's Illness and Suicide: Constructing Context
1 Introduction
2 Masculinity, Men and Health
Masculinity and Health
Men or Masculinity?
3 Methodology
4 Findings
Rationality of Illness
Creating an Illness
5 Discussion
4: Opening a New Space for Health Communication: Twitter and the Discourse of Eating Disorders in Men
1 Introduction
2 Online Communication About Eating Disorders in Men
3 Method
4 Findings
User Profiles and Changing Subject Positions

Widening the Discourse: 'Men Get Eating Disorders Too'
Seeing Men Differently: Visual Representations
Sharing 'Hard Days': Communities on Twitter
5 Discussion
5: Shed Talk: Discourses of Men and Masculinities in the Context of Men's Sheds
1 Introduction
2 Men in Sheds
3 Methodology
4 Findings
The Shed Is Good for 'Other' Men
The Shadow of 'Toxic Masculinity'
The Value of Single-Gender Spaces
Masculinities and Dark Humour
5 Discussion

6: "My Husband Struggled in His Own Way": The Construction of Masculinities in Cis-Het Female Infertility Blogs
1 Introduction
2 The Intersection of Masculinity and Infertility
Men, Masculinity and Infertility
Reproductive Gender Asymmetry
Representations of the Masculine Experience of Infertility
Masculine Reproductive Bodies
Masculinity and Making a Family
Hegemonic Masculinity and Emphasised Femininity
3 Methodology
Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies
Using Online Data for CADS
The BLOG Corpus
Keywords and Concordances in CADS
4 Findings

Managing the Fertility Body Project
Stoicism and Rationality
5 Virility and Heteronormative Reproduction
6 Discussion
7: Healthy White Nationalists: Far-Right Selbstbilder in a Digital Age
1 Introduction
2 Men's Magazines, Fascist Bodies, and Online Irony
3 Methodology
4 Analysis
Man's World and the "Globo Uomo"
"He Tried Soy Once and Now He's GAY": Virility and Diet
Lifter Versus Bugman: The Metapolitics of the Manfluencer
White Reproduction in a Pornographic World: Fighting Your Inner "Coomer"

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