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The Publication of This Volume Was Made Possible by the Generous Support of
Academic Advisory Committee
Part I: Review Articles
Chapter 1 The Golden Jubilee of the First National Jewish Population Survey: A Critical Assessment of the Demographic Study of American Jews, 1970-2020
1.1 Methodologies of the Five National Jewish Population Studies
1.1.1 Sampling and Administration
1.1.2 Screening for Jewish Households
1.1.3 The Main Questionnaire
1.2 A New Demography

1.2.1 Jewish Population Dynamics: Continuity and Growth
1.2.2 Spatial Pattern of the Jewish Population: From Concentration to Dispersion
1.2.3 Educational Attainment
1.3 Population Projections in Retrospective
1.3.1 Value and Limitations
1.3.2 Assumptions and Outcomes
1.3.3 Critical Assessment
1.4 Discussion
Chapter 2 Coverage of Israel in the American Press
2.1 The Israeli Government Includes Its First Arab Party
2.2 The Ben & Jerry's Affair
2.3 The Russian Invasion of Ukraine
2.4 The Death of Shireen Abu Akleh
2.5 Conclusion

Chapter 3 American Jews and the Domestic Arena (July 2021 - Fall 2022): A Year of Shifting Lines and Disruptions
3.1 Shifting Ethnoreligious Stances in American Politics
3.2 Democratic Relationship-Building with American Jews and Israel
3.2.1 Two Palestinian-American Deaths on Israel's Watch
3.2.2 Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Had Implications for Jews in America and Israel
3.2.3 Jewish Dimensions of the January 6 Congressional Committee Public Hearings
3.2.4 Religion and Reproduction Controversies

3.2.5 Jewish Organizations Responded to Anti-abortion Supreme Court and State Laws
3.2.6 Federal Funding for Jewish Institutions
3.2.7 Elections, Jewish Candidates, and Redrawn Political Lines
3.2.8 Which Side Are You on? America and Israel in Election Seasons
3.3 The Israel-American Jewish Relationship
3.3.1 Increased Emigration to Israel from the US
3.3.2 Picturing Israel: The New York Times
3.3.3 Should Anti-zionism Be Taught in Jewish Classrooms?
3.4 Antisemitism in America Took New-and Old-Forms
3.4.1 America's "Antisemitism Envoy" Overcame Political Opposition

3.4.2 Antisemitism in the American Political World
3.4.3 Conservative Book Bans and the Jews
3.4.4 Contemporary Confusion About the Nature of Antisemitism
3.4.5 Binaries of Oppressors and Oppressed Contributed to Antisemitism
3.4.6 Ignoring Jews and Jewish Contributions as a Form of Antisemitism
3.4.7 Demonizing Jewish Power
3.4.8 Pushing Back Against Antisemitic Theories
3.4.9 Antisemites Targeted Jewish Organizations
3.5 American Judaism Faced Organizational Challenges
​3.5.1 Established Jewish Religious Institutions Downsizing, and Fewer Jewish Professionals

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