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2 Problem and Formulation
2.1 Problem
2.2 Formulation
3 Asymptotic Analysis
3.1 Leading Order in E
3.2 Second Order in E
4 Numerical Results for hL and Discussions
4.1 Comments on the Computation of hL
4.2 Transverse Force Acting on a Rotating Sphere
5 Analytical Tools
5.1 Isotropy of mathcalL and mathcalJ
5.2 Symmetry Relation
6 Concluding Remarks and Perspectives
A Discontinuous Galerkin Approach for Stabilized Maxwell's Equations in Pseudo-Frequency Domain
1 Introduction
2 The Mathematical Model
3 The Finite Element Scheme

Preface for Proceedings of JSPS/SAC Workshops at Chalmers 2021 & 2022
The History and Significance of the Klein-Nishina Formula
1 Prologue
2 Some History and the Road to the Formula
3 Oskar Klein, the Klein-Gordon and Dirac Equations-A Primer in Quantum Mechanics
4 The Klein-Nishina Formula and Its Significance
5 The Negative Energy States and the Nishina-Waller Correspondence
6 Epilogue
Constructions of Simple Kinetic Equations for a Dense Gas
1 Introduction
2 Previous Models
2.1 Outline of Previous Models

2.2 Fluid-Dynamic Limits and Transport Properties
3 Modified Models in Terms of the Ellipsoidal-Statistical (ES)-Type Collision Term
3.1 The First ES-Based Model
3.2 A Slight Limitation on the Monotonicity of the First ES-Based Model
3.3 The Second ES-Based Model
4 Preliminary Tests
5 Conclusion
Double Layer Solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson System
1 Introduction
2 Review of the Study of Single Layer Solutions
3 The Main Theorem of Double Layer Solutions
4 Proof
Inverse Magnus Effect in a Rarefied Gas
1 Introduction

3.1 The Continuous Variational Formulation
3.2 The Discontinuous Finite Element Scheme
4 Error Analysis
4.1 A Priori Error Estimates
5 Numerical Examples
6 Conclusion
Bidomain Model for Axon Bundles with Random Geometry
1 Introduction
2 Bundles with Randomly Distributed Axons
3 Problem Statement and Main Result
4 Microscopic Problem
5 Proof of the Homogenization Result
A Posteriori Error Estimates and Adaptive Error Control for Permittivity Reconstruction in Conductive Media
1 Introduction
2 The Mathematical Model

3 Optimization Approach
4 Finite Element Method
5 A Posteriori Error Estimates
6 Adaptive Algorithms for Solution of CIP
7 Numerical Results
8 Conclusions
Truncated SVD for Applications in Microwave Thermometry
1 Introduction
2 The Mathematical Model
3 Statement of an Ill-Posed Problem
4 Preliminaries: SVD Decomposition for Solution of Least Squares Problem
5 Solution of Rank-Deficient Problem Using Truncated SVD
6 Numerical Results
6.1 The Experimental Set-up
6.2 Performance of TSVD
7 Concluding Remarks

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