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Introduction. "A new virility" : the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament and a new Catholic mission
"Go ye forth and teach all nations" : Mother Katharine Drexel's challenge to the Catholic Church
"Received from other sources" : Mother Katharine Drexel and the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions
"Souls! Souls! should be our cry, our ambition, our only aim" : SBS administration of Indigenous schools
Intent and impact : assessing SBS Indigenous missions
Human rights and sacramental rites : SBS missions in Black communities
Navigating race and religion in Jim Crow Louisiana
The Catholic Rosenwald : Mother Katharine schools in rural Louisiana
From spiritual to temporal needs : the evolution of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament and Catholic social justice
"These Kluxes are all wrought up" : battling the "Catholic problem" and conflicting visions of America

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