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I. The Einstein Phenomenon
a. Childhood and Youth
b. The Student Years
c. Einstein in Bern-The Miraculous Year and Beyond
d. A Tale of Three Cities-The General Theory of Relativity
e. The Emergence of a Quantum Worldview
f. The Einstein Myth and His Iconic Status
II. Ideas on Progress and Revolutions in Science
a. The History of the Philosophy of Progress
b. How Did Einstein Think?
c. The Role of Mental Models
d. Restructuring Systems of Knowledge-A Copernicus Process

E. An Example of a Copernicus Process-The Galilean Revolution
f. The Einsteinian Revolution and Changing Worldviews
g. Other Historiographic Perspectives on Progress in Science
III. The Continents of Classical Physics and the Problems at Their Borders
a. Classical Mechanics as a Comprehensive Worldview
b. Electrodynamics and the Ether Concept
c. Thermodynamics, the Kinetic Theory of Heat, and Atomism
d. Borderline Problems of Classical Physics
e. Between Thermodynamics and Electromagnetism-Black-body Radiation

F. Between Mechanics and Electromagnetism-The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies
g. Between Mechanics and Thermodynamics-The Riddle of Brownian Motion
h. Borderline Problems in Historical and Cultural Context
IV. Classical Physics Put Back on Its Feet-The Miraculous Year
a. Statistical Mechanics-A Prelude to the Miraculous Year
b. Letter to a Colleague-A Blueprint for Einstein's Copernican Revolution
c. The ""Invention"" of Brownian Motion-The Reality of Atoms
d. Radiation and Matter-The Discovery of Light Quanta (Photons)

E. Einstein's Lifelong Contemplation of Light Quanta
f. An Encounter in May-A "Eureka" Moment
g. The Origins of Special Relativity-The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies
h. 1900 to 1905-A Panoramic Overview
i. A Copernican Transformation of Classical Physics
V. The Road to the General Theory of Relativity
a. The Challenge of a Relativistic Theory of Gravitation
b. Einstein's Heuristics-The Equivalence Principle
c. Geometry Enters Physics-First Steps Towards a Field Equation
d. Einstein's Heuristics-A Plan of Action

E. Between Mathematical and Physical Strategies
f. The Entwurf Theory and Its Consolidation
g. The Drama of November 1915-The End of the Beginning
h. The Role of David Hilbert
i. The Relativity Revolution Continues-The Formative Years
j. The Generalized Relativity Principle Revisited
k. Cosmological Considerations-The Demise of Mach's Principle
VI. The Einsteinian Revolution as a Transformation of a System of Knowledge
a. A Short History of Physics
b. The Epistemic Character of the Relativity Revolution

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