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Front Cover
Series page
Women and Welfare Conditionality: Lived Experiences of Benefit Sanctions, Work and Welfare
Copyright information
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Table of Contents
List of figure, tables and charts
List of abbreviations
ONE What does work-based welfare reform mean for women?
What is welfare conditionality?
Benefit sanctions
From conditionality 'creep' to 'ubiquity'
Switching work expectations for lone parents: from protected status to androgynous workers

Applying Dorothy Smith's ideas to interpreting welfare conditionality from a feminist perspective
The study
Sanctioning patterns
Defining gender
Gender, 'race' and intersectionality
Structure of the book
TWO Re-theorising conditional welfare as gendered lived experience and street-level practice
Gendering the concept of conditionality
The ethics of care
Conceptualising how women's real lives are mediated by welfare conditionality
Feminising interpretivism and street-level bureaucracy
Street-level studies of contemporary welfare conditionality

Profit-making in Public Employment Services
Applying Dorothy Smith: social security as 'textually mediated relations of ruling'
Gendered hierarchy of 'facts'
Boss texts
Ideology and disjuncture
Four layers of welfare conditionality text
mediating relations of ruling
Layer one: tracing the origins of policy texts to domain assumptions
Layer two: 'boss texts' in law and policy
Layer three: hidden institutional texts that shape front-line practice
Layer four: how the encounter is shaped by the text of policy instruments

The male subtext of the 'claimant commitment'
THREE Policy context: the hidden gendered impacts of conditional welfare reforms
Women face deep labour market inequalities despite obvious gains
Historical context of unequal employment for women
Limited options: occupational segregation and low pay
Part-time work
Women and work-related welfare policies
Early state intervention: excluding women as 'different'
New Labour: putting lone parents to work
Lone parents' loss of conditionality-free Income Support

Addressing low pay, child poverty and childcare shortages
'Austerity' and the Conservative-led punitive turn from 2010
Neutered discourse disguises the loss of part-time work strategies
Welfare conditionality
Benefit sanctions
Shutting off options for lone parents
Impoverishment by design: the two-child limit
Financial subordination and economic abuse
The in-work conditionality trial
Easing work transitions and supporting childcare
Universal Credit, ubiquitous conditionality and a hard push into unequal work
Older women workers

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