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I. "There is something very strange in it all". Cousins; Federal Street; Eldest son; Biography (I); Cornelia Africana; Biography (II); A student's notes, 1833-1834; A poet's notes, 1834; Early poems, 1833-1835; The uses of faith, 1835; "Change of heart"; Scrapbook, 1835-1836; Lamartine; Poems, 1835-1836; "the torn flower"; Spiritual freedom
II. "Flee to the mountains!" "Part or particle of God," 1836; The messianic moment; Mr. Tutor Very; Temptation and peace; "My heart in life's winter"; The White Mountains, 1837; Arrival; "Beauty"; Concord; Miracles; "Newborn bard of the Holy Ghost"; "the end of all things"; Madness
III. God's scrivener. Prince Hamlet; Asylum; "In obedience to the Spirit"; "Pierced through with many spears"; "Insane with God"; "Epistles to the unborn"; "Between Very & the Americans"; Essays and poems by Jones Very; Madness and meaning; "True a false age"
IV. Man of peace. Nonresistance; "Heaven is a state and not a place"; War, slavery, and intemperance; "I war not, nor wrestle with the earthly man"; "But still the poet midst the tumult sings"; Knowledge and truth; "The presence of things invisible"; "The Book of LIfe".

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