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At a Glance; Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Preface; Introduction; Chapter 1: Instant Hacking: The Basics; The Interactive Interpreter; Algo ... What?; Numbers and Expressions; Hexadecimals Octals and Binary; Variables; Statements; Getting Input from the User; Functions; Modules; cmath and Complex Numbers; Back to the __future__; Saving and Executing Your Programs; Running Your Python Scripts from a Command Prompt; Making Your Scripts Behave Like Normal Programs; What About Double-Clicking?; Comments; Strings; Single-Quoted Strings and Escaping Quotes.

Concatenating StringsString Representations, str and repr; Long Strings, Raw Strings, and bytes; Long Strings; Raw Strings; Unicode, bytes, and bytearray; A Quick Summary; New Functions in This Chapter; What Now?; Chapter 2: Lists and Tuples; Sequence Overview; Common Sequence Operations; Indexing; Slicing; A Nifty Shortcut; Longer Steps; Adding Sequences; Multiplication; None, Empty Lists, and Initialization; Membership; Length, Minimum, and Maximum; Lists: Python's Workhorse; The list Function; Basic List Operations; Changing Lists: Item Assignments; Deleting Elements; Assigning to Slices.

List Methodsappend; clear; copy; count; extend; index; insert; pop; remove; reverse; sort; Advanced Sorting; Tuples: Immutable Sequences; A Quick Summary; New Functions in This Chapter; What Now?; Chapter 3: Working with Strings; Basic String Operations; String Formatting: The Short Version; String Formatting: The Long Version; Replacement Field Names; Basic Conversions; Width, Precision, and Thousands Separators; Signs, Alignment, and Zero-Padding; String Methods; center; find; join; lower; replace; split; strip; translate; Is My String ... ; A Quick Summary; New Functions in This Chapter.

What Now?Chapter 4: Dictionaries: When Indices Won't Do; Dictionary Uses; Creating and Using Dictionaries; The dict Function; Basic Dictionary Operations; String Formatting with Dictionaries; Dictionary Methods; clear; copy; fromkeys; get; items; keys; pop; popitem; setdefault; update; values; A Quick Summary; New Functions in This Chapter; What Now?; Chapter 5: Conditionals, Loops, and Some Other Statements; More About print and import; Printing Multiple Arguments; Importing Something as Something Else; Assignment Magic; Sequence Unpacking; Chained Assignments; Augmented Assignments.

Blocks: The Joy of IndentationConditions and Conditional Statements; So That's What Those Boolean Values Are For; Conditional Execution and the if Statement; else Clauses; elif Clauses; Nesting Blocks; More Complex Conditions; Comparison Operators; The Equality Operator; is: The Identity Operator; in: The Membership Operator; String and Sequence Comparisons; Boolean Operators; Assertions; Loops; while Loops; for Loops; Iterating Over Dictionaries; Some Iteration Utilities; Parallel Iteration; Numbered Iteration; Reversed and Sorted Iteration; Breaking Out of Loops; break; continue.

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