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1. Introduction to Human Dignity in African Thought
2. Defending a Communal Account of Human Dignity
3. An African Communal Approach to Punishment with Moral Dignity
4. African Personhood, Metaphysical Capacities and Human Dignity
5. Human dignity, Ubuntu and Global Justice
6. Moderate Communitarianism and Human Dignity
7. An African Communitarian Conception of Dignity in Mutual Recognition
8. African Conceptions of Human Dignity and Violence Against Women in South Africa
9. Intrinsic or Instrumental Value? African Philosophical Conceptions of Dignity
10. Un/Re-covering the Concept of Dignity in an African Thought Scheme Through Igbo Proverbs on Greatness, Nobility and Honour
11. Conceptions of Human Dignity in African and European Legal Systems: Consonance or Dissonance?
12. Motho Ha Se Ntja Ha Lahloe: The Philosophy of Human Dignity in Sesotho Culture
13. Wiredu on the Humanistic Orientation of Akan Morality.

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