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Chapter 1: Introduction: Rebirth of America Through Constitutional Enrichment
Chapter 2: The Constitution of the United States, Revised and Updated
Chapter 3: Historical and Analytical Justifications for Revisions to the United States Constitution
Chapter 4: Why a Constitution is Necessary. Philosophers on Constitutions: Aristotle and John Adams' Defence.
Chapter 5: The Federalist Papers: Constitutional Structures
Chapter 6: Specific Topics Under Constitutional Consideration in Aristotle, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and Benjamin Franklin
Chapter 7: Constitutional Topics in the Jefferson/Madison Correspondence, Common Fears and Worries in the Correspondence and the Federalist Papers
Chapter 8: Bill of Rights I: The Establishment Clause and the Right to the Free Exercise of Religion
Chapter 9: Bill of Rights II: The Right to Bear Arms
Chapter 10: Bill of Rights III: Reproductive Rights and Sexual Non-Discrimination
Chapter 11: Bill of Rights IV: The Right to Free Assembly in the Workplace. The Right to Establish and Participate or Not Participate in Unions
Chapter 12: Bill of Rights V: Within the Criminal Justice System
Chapter 13: Bill of Rights VI: The Right to Privacy
Chapter 14: Bill of Goods and Duties and Responsibilities of American Citizens
Chapter 15: John Dewey: Premier Philosopher of American Democracy
Chapter 16: The Dignity of Human Beings As Members of the Biotic Community. .

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