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Part I China Through the Looking Glass
1 The Grip of Geography: China's Enduring Struggle for Order and Unity
The Nexus of Water and Power
Land of Famine: An Isolated Agrarian Society
Tilling the Throne: The Emperor as 'Farmer in Chief'
Keeping the Land United
2 Crafting Legitimacy: The Entangling Balancing Act
Mandate of Heaven: Food or Justice?

Big Government or Small Government?
Absurd Decisions or Arbitrary Decisions?
Holding onto the Throne
Bigger Pie or Fairer Distribution?
Living a Better Life: Raising Expectations
Heavenly Mandate Tested
Reinventing Legitimacy
An Ongoing Struggle
3 Birdcage Economy: Who Holds the Strings of China's Economy?
Avoiding Tyranny or Avoiding Chaos?
Catching the Ant
Businessmen Under Siege
Rule of Law: For Whom?
State-Owned Enterprises: A Mere Legacy of the Past?
Walking a Tightrope: Unity of Opposites

4 A Fusion of Worlds: Interplay of Chinese Tradition and Marxism
The Rule of Ritual: 'Know Your Place'
The Hundred Schools of Thought
The Rule of Law: Enrich the State
Shang Yang's Dilemma
The Rule of Virtue: Strengthening Centralisation
The 'Junzi': A Diversified 'Net-Like' Governance Model
Virtue Politics
China Through the Looking Glass
A Hybrid Model: Blending Marxism with Tradition
5 A Contested System: Decision-Making Dynamics in China
'Students of the Emperor': The Imperial Examination System
Working Your Way Up
Meritocracy in a New Era

The Party-State: A Unifying Force
The People's Liberation Army: Establish CCP Branches at the Level of Companies
Policies from Above, Counter Policies from Below
Fighting for and Sharing the Resources
A Non-unitary Rational Actor: The Dynamics of Upward Accountability
Point of Influence: The 'Consensus Building' Model
The Media as Part of Consensus Building
Picking the Right Stone
Part II Over the Mountains and Across the Seas
6 Capability or Intention: Ambition and Restraint in China's Military Build-Up
China's Geography and Worldview

Neither Cuddly Panda Nor Menacing Dragon
'Unconquerable' Enemies
The War Curse
The Expansion Curse
Secular Pragmatism
China's Core Interest
Buffer States in Modern Terms
Regions Shaping National Prosperity
Increased Offensive Capabilities
Increased Ambition?
Not a Global Power
A Worrying Future?
Intention Versus Capability: Which Matters Most?
7 A Cauldron of Anxiety: War or Peace?
The Grand Gravity Shifts
Symbolic Maritime Power
'You Will Be Beaten Up If You Fall Behind'
Control Over Critical Resources
Hong Kong
The First Island Chain

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