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1 Introduction
1.1 Overview of This Monograph
1.2 Supervisory Control Theory
1.3 Real-Time Scheduling Theory
1.4 Motivation and Contribution
1.4.1 RTS Modelling Methods
1.4.2 RTS Scheduling and Reconfiguration
1.5 Monograph Outline
2 Preliminaries of Supervisory Control Theory
2.1 Discrete-Event Systems
2.2 Timed Discrete-Event Systems
2.3 State-Tree Structures
2.3.1 Superstates
2.3.2 Holons
2.3.3 State-Trees
2.3.4 State-Tree Structures
2.3.5 Predicates

2.3.6 State Feedback Control
2.3.7 Compact Representation of Predicates
2.4 Real-Time Scheduling/Reconfiguration Based on Supervisory Control
3 Real-Time Scheduling and Reconfiguration
3.1 Real-Time Systems
3.2 Fixed Priority Scheduling
3.3 Dynamic Priority Scheduling
3.3.1 Earliest Deadline First Scheduling
3.3.2 Least Laxity First Scheduling
3.4 Elastic Period Model for Reconfiguration
4 Non-Preemptive Scheduling/Reconfiguration Based on Supervisory Control of TDES
4.1 Introduction
4.2 RTS Modelled by Timed Discrete-Event Systems

4.2.1 Multi-Period RTS Task Model
4.2.2 Real-Time Tasks Modelled by Timed Discrete-Event Systems
4.2.3 Global RTS Execution Model
4.2.4 Timed Discrete-Event System Generators
4.3 Dynamic Scheduling and Reconfiguration of Multi-Period RTS
4.4 Case Study: Supervisor Synthesis of Motor Network
4.4.1 Real-Time Scheduling
4.4.2 Dynamic Reconfiguration
4.4.3 Multi-Periods in the Safe Execution Sequences
4.5 Conclusion
5 Priority-Free Conditionally-Preemptive Real-Time Scheduling Based on R-W Method
5.1 Introduction

5.2 Task Models and Preemption Policies
5.2.1 Task Model
5.2.2 Priority-Free Real-Time Scheduling
5.2.3 Preemption Matrices
5.2.4 Task-Centered Conditional-Preemption Constraints
5.2.5 Response Time Constraints
5.3 Tasks Modelled by Discrete-Event Systems
5.4 Specifications Modelled by Discrete-Event Systems
5.4.1 Nonblocking Specifications
5.4.2 Matrix-Based Priority-Free Conditional-Preemption Specifications
5.4.3 Task-Centered Specifications
5.4.4 Response Time Constraint Specifications
5.5 Case Study I: Supervisor Synthesis of Motor Network

5.5.1 Work Plan I
5.5.2 Work Plan II
5.6 Case Study II: Supervisor Synthesis of Manufacturing Cell
5.7 Conclusion
6 Modular Scheduling/Reconfiguration with Exact Execution Time Based on R-W Method
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Modular RTS Models
6.2.1 RTS Tasks
6.2.2 Periodic/Sporadic Task Execution Time Models
6.2.3 Non-Repetitive Execution Time Models
6.2.4 Deadline Models
6.2.5 Release and Multi-Period Models
6.3 Global RTS Execution Models
6.3.1 Approach I
6.3.2 Approach II
6.3.3 Global RTS Behavior

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