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Part I: The Development of the Value Chain Network 3.0
1: Introduction
The Focus on a Sales Approach
The Influence of Marketing
Logistics and PDM
The Value Chain 1985-2020
Value Chain Management 1.0
Physical Distribution Management (PDM) and Supply Chain Management
Value Chain Management 2.0
A Dynamic Business Environment and the Future for Value Chain Networks
Some Basic Network Structures
Intra and Inter-Industry Network Performance Leverage
Value Adding as a Collaborative Process
The Importance of Industry and Market Dynamics: Developments and Shared Resources
Shared Capabilities as Resources: Cloud Based Platforms
Evaluating Value Added: Value Contribution
Innovation, Profitability, Productivity, and Risk Management: A Role for Value Chain Management
The Future of the Value Chain Network
Value Chain Management 3.0
Looking Forward
2: Industry and Market Dynamics
Knowledge Management
Technology Management
Process/Activity Management
Relationship Management
Network Relationship Management
Customer Relationship Management
Competitor Relationship Management
Supplier Relationship Management
Process/Activities Management
Industry and Market Dynamics: Emerging Topics
'Global Institutions' Regulatory Compliance and Governments' New Interventionism
Education and Employee Capabilities Development
Stakeholder Value Management, EESG, and the UN'S 17 Development Issues
Climate Change
Globalisation and MNCs
International Financial Management
International Macro-Economic Management
Managing Geostrategic Risk
International HealthCare Management
International Human Relations.

Pathways to Competitive Value Advantage Using Industry and Market Dynamics
3: Managing Value
Introduction: What Is Business Value?
Value Creation Is Increasingly Being Recognised as a Better Management Goal than Strict Financial Measures of Performance
Value Added and Added Value, Economic Profit and Economic Value Added
Economic Profit and Economic Value Added
Economic Profit = Revenues Less Operating Costs Less the Allocated Cost of Capital Usage
Economic Value to the Customer/Value in Use/Price/Value/Equality
Setting Value Not Price
Value Management: Structure and Process
Value Innovation: Structure and Process
Value Engineering: Structure and Process
Value Production: Structure and Process
Value Delivery: Structure and Process
Value Serviceability: Structure and Process
Value Sustainability: Structure and Process
Value Chain Positioning: Value Migration: Capability Response Management Structure and Process
Managing Value through the Value Proposition
What Is a Value Proposition?
Economic Profit = Revenues Less Operating Costs Less the Allocated Cost of Capital Usage
Creating the Feasible (Customer Acceptable) and Viable (Value Chain Partnership Network)
Using the Value Chain Network to Manage "Intra and Inter Organisational Collaboration" and Interactivities
4: Performance Value Drivers and Builders
Identifying Performance Value Drivers
Performance Value Drivers, Customer Feasibility and Viability Are Essential for Success
Value Drivers and Value-Led Response Capabilities
Network Operational Response Capabilities as Performance Value Drivers
Value Drivers as Response Capabilities
Exploring Customer Expectations and Developing an Acceptable and Workable Value Proposition.

Ongoing Operational Performance Value Drivers Expectations of Suppliers' Value
Generic Supplier Operational Network Value Driver Capability Response Performance to Customer Expectations
Supplier Identification of Constraints on Capability Response Performance
Considered Response Options and a Value Proposition for the Network partnership's Stakeholders
Response Options and Calculating the Cost of the Value Proposition
Stakeholder Expectations/Value Drivers
Impact on "Network Organisational Excellence Performance"
Managing Customer Operational Performance Value Drivers Expectations, Problems and Realistic Capability Responses
Customer Communicated Problems in Ongoing Relationships
Recurring Problems Appearing from Monitoring Real-Time Performance
Strategic Value Performance Builders
Using the Organisational Excellence Model to Create and Manage Stakeholder Value
Business Environmental Changes and Challenges
Industry and Market Dynamics
Consumer and Industrial Market Trends
Macro Assessment Criteria
Part II: Capability Responses and Organisational Excellence
5: Introduction
Strategic Excellence Policy Issues
Strategic Excellence
Operational Excellence
Operational Excellence Component Activities
Organisational Excellence
Organisational Excellence: A Model for Success in a Digital Economy
An Operating Model
6: Performance and Positioning
Performance: Introduction
Strategy Excellence + Operations Excellence = Operational Excellence
The Primary Benefits of an Optimal Network Value Contribution-Led Operating Model
Positioning: Introduction
Changing and Challenging Industry and Market Dynamics Confronting the Business
Competitive Value Proposition Positioning: Options for Competitive Advantage and Value Contribution.

Performance and Positioning: An Example
Responding to Customer Expectations by Restructuring the Value Chain Network
7: Profitability and Productivity
Seeking Organisational Excellence: The Primary Benefits of an Optimal Network Value Contribution-Led Operating Model
Economic Profit: Economic Value Added and the Impact on Stakeholder Value Management. Value Contribution: Its Derivation
Calculating EVA
The Cost of Capital: Quantitative
Cost of Equity
Cost of Debt
Cost of Capital: Qualitative
Developing Network Based EVA/Economic Profitability Models
Considerations that Can Have Impact on Current and Future EVA/Economic Profit Performance
Operating Economic Value Added: As a Quantitative Measure of Productivity
Expanding the Perspective of Productivity
Managing Cash Flow
8: Producibility
What Exactly Is Producibility?
Producibility Enabling Characteristics of Successful Network Organisations
Effective and Efficient Process Management Business Process Optimisation: And Relationships as Processes
Processes and Activities
What Are End2End Processes?
Developing a Value Management Strategy
Identifying and Costing Activity Inputs: Activity Based Management
Activities and Activity-Based Management (ABM) and Activity-Based Costing (ABC) Application to Producibility Decision Making
Applying Activity Based Management, Activity-Based Costing and Attribute Based Costing
Activity Based Management and the Value Proposition
Producibility: As an Operating Infrasructure Network
9: Collaborative Partnerships and People
Seeking Operational Excellence: The Primary Benefits of a Network Value-Led Operating Model-Collaborative Partnerships
Collaborative Partnerships.

Collaborative Partnerships: Secondary Stakeholders as Partners
Collaborative Partnerships: Suppliers as Partners
Customers as Partners
Collaborative Partnerships: Employees as Partners
Collaborative Partnerships: Employees-Cobots and Humans: Industry 5
Collaborative Partnerships: Competitors
A Real-World Example of Coopetition
Collaborative Partnerships Industry Consortia
Collaborative Partnerships: Clusters
Partnership Essentials Collaborative Partnerships: Future Essential Criteria
Collaborative Strategic and Operational Alignment
Digital, Digitalisation, and Connectivity Capabilities
Communication and Confidentiality
Functional Engagement
Shared Value Creation
Expansion of Value Chain Network Applications
10: Platforms
Seeking Operational Excellence: The Primary Benefits of an Optimal Network Value Contribution-Led Operating Model
Platforms and Ecosystems: A Typology
Production Possibility Curves, Value Equivalence Applications, Platforms and Mass Customisation
Applications: Industry Platforms
Platform Business Models
Industry Ecosystems
The Existing Automotive Value Chain Platform: A Composition of Focused Specialist Platform Activities
Emerging Platform: EV Construction, Distribution and Serviceability
11: PlanetCare and Sustainability
EESG and UN Sustainability and PlanetCare
Sustainability in the Real World
Applications of Sustainability
Environmental Policy
July 2021
Capability Responses and Sustainability
Capability Responses and Sustainability: Micro Perspectives
Performance, Positioning and Sustainability Considerations
Profitability, Productivity, Cash Flow and Sustainability Considerations
Producibility and Sustainability Considerations.

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