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About the Editors
About the Authors
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation for This Book
1.2 The Transition to the Digital Age
1.3 The Emergence of Service Ecosystems
1.4 The Growing Role of Data as a Key Underlying Resource
1.5 Conclusion
Part I Experience Reports
2 Introduction
3 Investigating 5,140 Digital Transformation Projects
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Overview of Research Findings
3.3 Microprojects to Support Digital Transformation
3.4 Complexity and Absorption

3.5 Digital Transformation Success Factor: The Executive Sponsor
3.6 Optimization
3.7 Agile Digital Transformation
3.8 Project Managers
3.9 Project Types
3.10 Goals
3.11 Industries
3.12 Factors of Success and Value
3.13 Conclusions
4 From Product-Oriented Insurance Company to Customer-Centric Service Provider
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Disruptive Environments Necessitating Transformation
4.1.2 Introducing Aegon
4.1.3 Core Question
4.2 History and Ambition: From Product Orientation to Customer Centricity
4.2.1 Historical Background of Aegon

4.2.2 Ambition: Toward a Customer-Centric Service Provider
4.3 Approach for Transformation: ``Blue'' and ``Wow'' Directions
4.4 Capabilities to Realize Transformations (``What'')
4.4.1 Transformation 1: Redesigning Services Around ``Life Events'' of the Customer
4.4.2 Transformation 2: Standardizing Process (Working Methods) Around the Handling of Customer Requests
4.4.3 Transformation 3: Shifting the Organization Based on ``End-to-End'' Customer Processes
4.4.4 Transformation 4: Generic KPIs Focused on Result for the Customer (Strategic/Tactical)

4.4.5 Transformation 5: Designing and Implementing an Integrated CRM Solution
4.5 Leadership Capabilities (``How'')
4.5.1 Key Choice 1: What Approach Do You Choose to Transform? Belief 1: Encouraging Trust Instead of Investing in the Business Case Belief 2: Frequently Delivering Business Value Belief 3: Implementing CRM Is a Business Initiative, Not an IT Program Belief 4: Embracing Agile/Scrum and Encouraging Support Belief 5: Equally Focusing on IT Skills as well as Attitude and Behavior Belief 6: Ensure that the Program Activities Will Be Continued in the Line Organization
4.5.2 Key Choice 2: How Do You Organize Ownership-Including Governance?
4.5.3 Key Choice 3: How Do You Combine Design and Development at the Same Time? Guiding Principles as Dot on the Horizon Developing Basic Functionalities and Services Simultaneously Empowering Employees by Developing Their Change Competences
4.5.4 Key Choice 4: How Do You Implement a Generic Working Method Across Multiple Business Lines?

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